Mighty Doom | Basic Controls and Gameplay

Featured image for our basic controls and gameplay guide in the mobile game Mighty Doom

Welcome to the world of Mighty Doom, where action-packed gameplay and hours of demon slaying await you. If you are new to the game or looking to enhance your skills, you are in the right place. This guide aims to cover all of the essential basics of the game, from understanding the game interface to mastering controls that can make or break your gameplay experience.

Whether you are a complete novice to Mighty Doom or a mobile gaming enthusiast looking to dive into this exciting title, this beginner’s guide will equip you with the correct knowledge to get you started. Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Game Interface

In most mobile games the game interface is one of the most important factors to understand as it can provide you with key info like health and ammo bars, navigational controls, and buttons for firing your weapons. Mighty Doom is no exception to this and in this section, we will look at everything there is to know about the game interface.

Health Bars

An image showing the in-game HUD in Mighty Doom
Your health is displayed directly above your slayer.

In all survival games, health is one of the most crucial factors that you need to keep an eye on. In Mighty Doom, your slayer’s health is located directly above their head in the game. A blue bar also indicates how much health you currently have.

Enemy health is displayed directly above the enemy’s head.

Health can be recovered in a number of different ways in-game; leveling up, ultimate weapons, increasing your health, glory kills, and visiting the sentinel can all reward you with additional health points.

Leveling up your slayer, and equipment and choosing unique pieces of armor are all ways that you can increase the amount of health points that your character has.

Experience Points

An image showing in-game footage in Mighty Doom
Experience points/level progress can be seen at the top of the screen.

In-game experience or ability points are located at the top of the game’s interface and shown with an orange bar.

Navigational Controls

An image showing the navigational controls in Mighty Doom
Navigational Controls

Navigation controls in Mighty Doom are relatively simple. A floating joystick is located at the bottom of your screen.

The joystick is used to move your slayer around the battlefield.

Pro Tip: Pressing near the joystick on the screen will reposition it, move the joystick where it is comfortable to operate.

Action Buttons

An image showing the action buttons in Mighty Doom
Action Buttons

In Mighty Doom, there are very few action buttons on the screen as your primary weapon fires and aims on its own.

Buttons to fire your secondary and ultimate weapons are located in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

Basic Gameplay Mechanics

Navigating through the world of Mighty Doom can be exhilarating, but it’s important to have a good understanding of the basic gameplay mechanics that will help you progress as a player. From movement to combat, we will not break down the essentials that will take you from a novice to a seasoned player.

Moving Around

An image showing a slayer moving round in Mighty Doom
Movement is key

In Mighty Doom, movement is key. You can move your slayer in any direction by using the on-screen joystick. Mastering movement is critical for navigating through levels and dodging enemy projectiles and melee attacks.

Pro Tip: Always be on the move, staying in the same place will almost always result in being hit.

Combat Basics

An image showing a slayer in combat in Mighty Doom
In combat

Once you know how to effectively move around the arena, it’s time to start taking down enemies. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Shooting: Primary weapons automatically fire at enemies in Mighty Doom. To fire your secondary and ultimate weapons click on the buttons located in the lower left-hand corner once they are charged.
  • Reloading: Reloading your primary weapon in Mighty Doom is automatic. Your secondary and ultimate weapons need to be charged before you can fire them.
  • Glory Kills: Glory kills are granted after killing a boss or sometimes after killing a normal enemy in-game. To perform a glory kill enter the green circle located at the demon’s corpse before the timer runs out. This will result in you gaining health points and becoming invincible for a few seconds.

Collecting Items

An image showing items being collected in Mighty Doom
Collecting items is automatic in Mighty Doom

As you progress through Mighty Doom you will notice enemies dropping various items in-game. Here’s how to interact with them:

  • Loot: Loot is sometimes dropped when you kill an enemy. This will be automatically collected once you have defeated all demons in the current stage.
  • Health Packs: Health packs are automatically collected once you have performed a glory kill in Mighty Doom.
  • Power-ups: These special items can give you temporary boosts, such as increased attack speed or x 4 attack damage. To collect them simply walk over them to activate.

Progressing To The Next Stage

An image showing the portal how to progress to the next stage in Mighty Doom
Portals will teleport you to the next stage

To move to the next stage in a level you should enter the portal located at the top of the stage. This opens once all enemies have been defeated in the current stage.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While Mighty Doom may seem easy to pick up, it’s not so easy to master. Even seasoned gamers can make elementary mistakes when they are new to the game. Here are some common errors that can hinder your progress and how you can avoid them:

Not Following The Game Tutorial

  • Why It’s a Mistake: Not paying attention in the in-game tutorial may make you miss out on key gameplay mechanics that will help you in the first stages of the game.
  • How to Avoid: Take your time and pay attention when going through the in-game tutorial. It has been designed to give you a strong start.

Neglecting Your Defense

  • Why It’s a Mistake: Focusing solely on offense will make you an easy target and result in an early death.
  • How to Avoid: Learn how to effectively dodge enemy attacks in your combat strategy.

Using Your Ultimate Attack Too Early

  • Why It’s a Mistake: Your ultimate weapon is designed to get you out of sticky spots and should only be used when you need it.
  • How to Avoid: Keep your ultimate weapon for when you are struggling on a stage or for boss fights.

Avoiding Health Pickups

  • Why It’s a Mistake: Passing glory kills or health pickups can leave you vulnerable in boss fights and further stages.
  • How to Avoid: Always collect glory kills, even if your health is relatively full.

Forgetting To Upgrade

  • Why It’s a Mistake: Not upgrading your equipment can make stages more difficult to complete.
  • How to Avoid: Regularly check for upgrade options and invest in them as soon as they become available.

Ignoring Daily Quests and Missions

  • Why It’s a Mistake: Focusing solely on main missions and chapters can make you miss out on valuable rewards.
  • How to Avoid: Complete side missions, and daily and seasonal quests when they are available.

Ignoring Free Chests and Loot

  • Why It’s a Mistake: These rewards are free and only mean watching a short advert in exchange for valuable loot.
  • How to Avoid: Chest for daily free rewards in the in-game store and in vega mining.

By steering clear of these common mistakes, you will be well on your way to becoming a better player and mastering Mighty Doom.

Tips and Tricks for Beginners

As you dive into the demon-infested world of Mighty Doom, you will find that some strategies can greatly enhance your gameplay. These insider tips and tricks will not only help you survive longer on the battlefield, they will help you thrive in the world of Mighty Doom.

Mastering the Art of Dodging

An image showing a player dodging attacks in Mighty Doom
Master the art of dodging
  • Tip: Dodging is just as important as defeating enemies in Mighty Doom.
  • How to Implement: Use the full range of the joystick to effectively avoid incoming enemy projectiles and attacks.

Know When to Retreat

  • Tip: It is sometimes the best strategy to fall back and retreat.
  • How to Implement: If your health is running low and enemies are overwhelming, find a safe spot to strategically try and pick off remaining enemies.

Utilize the Environment

An image showing walls blocking enemy attacks in Mighty Doom
Utilize your surroundings
  • Tip: The game environment can often be used to your advantage in some stages.
  • How to Implement: Use walls and obstacles as cover. Use teleports to move away from enemy attacks.

Balance Your Loadout

An image showing a weapon in Mighty Doom
Balance your loadout
  • Tip: Having a well-rounded set of weapons and armor can make you stronger and harder to defeat in combat.
  • How to Implement: Equip both offensive and defensive-minded equipment.

Always Keep Moving

  • Tip: Standing still makes you an easy target for enemies.
  • How to Implement: Always keep moving, this will help you dodge enemy attacks.

Prioritize Targets

An image showing some tough targets in Mighty Doom
Prioritize tough enemies
  • Tip: Not all enemies pose the same level of threat to you.
  • How to Implement: Try and take out the most dangerous enemies first, such as enemies with fast fire rates and powerful attacks.

Weapon management

  • Tip: Choose the weapon that suits your play style.
  • How to Implement: Try all weapons the game has available before making your mind up. You can find more information on this in our guide to the best weapons in Mighty Doom here.

Learning from Your Mistakes

An image showing the game over screen in Mighty Doom
Always learn from your mistakes
  • Tip: Each defeat should be seen as an opportunity to learn.
  • How to Implement: Analyze what went wrong in your last game and try to adjust your strategy so you do not make the same mistakes again.

By implementing these tips and tricks into your game, you will be well on your way to becoming an expert in Mighty Doom. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep on playing and driving forward in-game.

Congratulations, you have taken your first crucial steps in mastering the world of Mighty Doom! Understanding the basics of controls and game mechanics is essential, but it is just the first step in the journey.

With the additional tips and strategies provided in this article, you will soon evolve from a beginner to a seasoned demon slayer, ready to face the toughest challenges the game has to offer.

Keep practicing, and don’t forget to revisit our game guides as you progress. For more in-depth coverage, be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide to Mighty Doom.

You can also check out our Advanced Combat Tactic Guide here.

Happy demon slaying!

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