| Best Belt Guide

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In equipment is key, it can provide you with a much-needed boost on your base stats (HP and ATK). As you level up equipment it also unlocks grade skills, these are unique boosts assigned to pieces of specific equipment such as critical damage chance and movement speed boosts.

Belts are one of the 6 pieces of equipment that you will equip your survivor with. Each different belt provides unique boosts that can give you that extra edge when defeating monsters. Knowing which one to equip can depend on a number of factors including your play style and also what level/challenge you are playing in.

What stats do Belts affect?

Belts in affects your stats related to the HP attribute. When belts reach the blue grade (better) they will start to unlock grade skills which are unique skills/boosts. These grade skills can be unlocked for better, excellent, epic, and legendary levels which can be unlocked by merging your equipment. The Eternal belt and the Voidwaker sash have grade skills that unlock at the green/good grade also.

We will now take a look at the best and worst belts that are currently in the game.

Belts in

In there are currently 7 different belts that you can choose from, each belt can come in every grade other than the Eternal belt and Voidwaker sash which are S quality.

Our list of the best belts currently in the game is:

  1. Eternal Belt
  2. Stylish Belt
  3. Voidwaker Sash
  4. Army Belt
  5. Waist Sensor
  6. Broad Waistguard
  7. Leather Belt

Each belt offers different grade skills and unique boosts. Whilst we have made our list of our best to worst belts that are in the game some types are better suited for different levels. These are found by trial and error if you are stuck on a level or challenge.

We will now take a more in-depth look at the best belts in, we will start by looking at the top-tier belts and work our way down to the ones that we consider average.

Eternal belt

An image of the Eternal Belt in
Eternal Belt

The best belt currently in the game is the Eternal belt, the belt focuses on providing you with an HP stat boost and invincibility when damaged. The Eternal belt is an S-grade belt which means it is rarer than others and only comes in the excellent to legendary grades.

The Eternal belt will come with three grade skills that are already unlocked. The first (green/good) grade skill is a modifier to your stats of +20% when you are revived. The next grade skill (blue/better) is an HP stat increase of +15%. The purple/excellent grade skill on the Eternal belt is the ability to trigger invincibility for 2s when you are damaged, this can only be triggered once per minute.

When the Eternal belt reaches the epic grade an HP stat boost of +25% is applied. When the belt reaches the legendary grade it unlocks a powerful modifier for the duration you are invincible. Whilst invincible your ATK will be increased by +50% for 3s, again this can only be triggered once per minute.

Stylish belt

An image of the Stylish Belt in
Stylish Belt

Next on our list is the Stylish belt, this belt focuses on increasing your HP stat and also creating a shield that can protect you from enemies. The Stylish belt can be obtained in every grade from normal to legendary.

The first grade skill that is unlocked when the Stylish belt reaches the blue/better grade is an HP stat increase of +10%. The next grade skill that is unlocked when the belt reaches the purple/excellent grade is a shield that is generated once you have defeated 200 monsters. The shield can block the next attack that you are subject to and will disappear after you are hit, this can be generated again by defeating 200 monsters.

When the Stylish belt reaches the epic grade it unlocks a modifier for the shield skill. You will gain immunity for 1s when you generate the shield, this is perfect for when you are surrounded by enemies and need to get yourself out of a tight spot. The final grade skill that is unlocked when the belt reaches legendary grade is another HP stat increase of +15%.

Voidwaker Sash

An image of the Voidwaker Sash in
Voidwaker Sash

The final belt on our list that we consider elite is the Voidwaker sash. The Voidwaker sash is an S-grade piece of equipment which means when it is obtained it will be at the purple/excellent grade at its lowest. The belt focuses on improving your HP stat and gaining a skill called Hardened. Hardened focuses on making you immune to projectiles at lower grades and all damage at the legendary grade.

The Voidwaker sash will come with three grade skills that are already unlocked. The first (green/good) grade skill is a modifier to your stats of +20% when you are revived. The next grade skill (blue/better) is an HP stat increase of +15%. The purple/excellent grade skill on the Voidwaker sash is the ability to generate a skill called Hardened. This is where you gain immunity against all projectile damage for 5s, this can be generated unlimited times by defeating 500 monsters.

When the Voidwaker sash reaches the epic grade a further HP stat of +25% is applied. The final grade skill that is unlocked is a modifier to the Hardened skill. Instead of just projectile damage, you will now be immune to all damage you receive for 5s. You can also instakill all minions if you collide with them for the duration of the skill.

Army Belt

An image of the Army Belt in
Army Belt

The next belt on our list is one that we consider a solid choice (especially if it is your highest-graded belt). This is the Army belt, the belt focuses on improving your HP stat and producing two skills that can help you in battle (Inspire and Dominator). The Army belt can be obtained at every grade skill from normal to legendary.

The first grade skill that is unlocked when the Army belt reaches the blue/better grade is an HP stat increase of +10%. When the belt reaches the purple/excellent grade you will unlock the Inspire skill which is obtained by defeating Elites/Boss enemies. You will also obtain a shockwave shield that can damage enemies and also provide you with protection.

When the Army belt reaches the epic grade you can gain the Dominator skill which improves your damage and movement speed by +100% and also all skill cooldown times are reduced to the maximum. The Dominator skill is unlocked when the shockwave shield is triggered for 5s. The final grade skill that is unlocked when the belt reaches the legendary grade is another HP stat increase of +15%.

Waist Sensor

An image of the Waist Sensor in
Waist Sensor

The Waist sensor is a belt that we would consider a good option if it is your highest-graded belt. The belt focuses on improving your HP stat, movement speed and also can award you a damage reduction modifier. The Waist sensor can be obtained in every grade from normal to legendary.

The first grade skill that is unlocked when the Waist sensor reaches the blue/better grade is an HP stat increase of +10%. The next grade skill is unlocked when the belt reaches the purple/excellent grade this is an increase to your movement speed of +20% when your health is over 50%.

When the Waist sensor reaches the epic grade a damage reduction modifier is unlocked for all damage received by -20%. This is triggered when your HP drops below 50% (so this will cancel out your movement speed boost). When the belt reaches the final grade (legendary) a further HP stat increase of +15% is applied.

Broad waistguard

An image of the Broad Waistguard in
Broad Waistguard

The next two belts on the list are the ones that we consider the most average on the list.

The Broad waistguard is a belt that focuses on improving your HP stat and providing you with a radiation pulse when you are healing. This belt can be obtained in every grade from normal to legendary.

The first grade skill that is unlocked on the Broad waistguard is an HP stat increase of +10% when the belt reaches the blue/better grade. When the belt reaches the purple/excellent grade it unlocks a radiation pulse that can deal damage to nearby enemies. The pulse is only generated when you are healing and the damage is proportional to the amount you healed (eating hams = the best damage).

When the Broad waistguard reaches the epic grade the radiation pulse is damaged. This can make the belt more useful as it can kill waves on nearby enemies. The final grade skill is unlocked when the belt reaches the legendary grade, this is another HP stat increase of +15%.

Leather belt

An image of the Leather Belt in
Leather Belt

The final necklace on our list is the Leather belt. After testing the Leather belt in battle we consider this the most average of the 7 different types listed above. The Leather belt focuses on improving your HP stat as well as improving healing and movement speed whilst you are looting. This belt can be obtained in every grade from normal to legendary.

The first grade skill that is unlocked when the Leather belt reaches the blue/better grade is an HP stat increase of +10%. When the belt reaches the purple/excellent grade you will unlock a healing boost whilst looting. This is capped at 30% which can actually get you back to full health if timed right with the right perks or eating hams.

When the Leather belt reaches the epic grade you will unlock a movement speed boost when you are looting. Like this healing boost, this is capped at 30%. The final grade skill is unlocked when the belt reaches the legendary grade, this is a further HP stat increase of +15%.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our list of the best belts currently in! We have found this list to be a true reflection of the time we have spent with each belt in the game. Some belts are more useful than others on specific levels and against different kinds of enemies, trial and error is sometimes the best approach when trying to beat those harder levels.

If you would like to check out the best tried and tested methods of gaining gold take a look at our article here.

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