Rush Royale | Best Blade Dancer Decks

Featured image for our guide on the best Blade Dancer decks in Rush Royale

In Rush Royale, the aim of the game is to overpower your opponent by building deck combinations that can lead you to victory. Like most games, Rush Royale offers a number of different cards that vary in grade from common to legendary that can be obtained and leveled up to create endless deck possibilities.

In this article, we are going to focus on the Blade Dancer and some of the best decks for the card. We will look at a number of deck variations and give you some tips on how to play them.

Let’s start by taking a look at the Blade Dancer unit and how it actually works.

An image showing the card overview of the Blade Dancer in Rush Royale
Blade Dancer

The Blade Dancer is a legendary card that is part of the Forest Alliance faction in Rush Royale. The unit attacks at an extremely fast rate throwing blades at monsters as they pass on the track. The Blade Dancer has one of the fastest attack rates in Rush Royale and when paired with certain cards can become unstoppable. In-game increasing the merge rank of the unit will improve its attack speed.

The Blade Dancer enters a power-up mode when no other Blade Dancers are nearby (by the side), this will give the units on the field an attack speed bonus. Increasing the amount of Blade Dancers on the field at once will also provide your units with a damage boost. For maximum effect, this card should be paired with either the Enchanted Sword card or the Knight Statue to further increase attack speed.

Once talents are unlocked on this card it takes the card to the next tier, this is why you will find so many of the top players using this card in their PvP decks.

Best Blade Dancer decks

There are a number of strong Blade Dancer decks that you can choose from in Rush Royale. We have listed some of our favorites and the strongest below:

Blade Dancer Knight Statue Deck

An image showing a Blade Dancer Knight Statue deck in Rush Royale
Blade Dancer Knight Statue Deck
  • Blade Dancer
  • Scrapper
  • Dryad
  • Knight Statue
  • Portal Keeper

Deck Tips

The Blade Dancer paired with the Knight Statue was by far one of the strongest and most effective decks that we came across with this unit. The Knight Statue was able to give the Blade Dancer a further attack speed increase which saw us winning a lot of the battles we played in.

In the early stages of the game, you should try to position a number of Blade Dancers around Knight Statues on the field and level them up. This should be enough to deal with the first few bosses. Depending on what talent is selected will determine how you will need to position your Blade Dancers.

The Portal Keeper can be used to maneuver your Blade Dancer units and remove any negative effects that they may have. Depending on what talent you have selected the Portal Keeper will also play an important role in moving your Blade Dancers around or putting them into the correct positions to receive a boost.

The Dryad and Scrapper units should be used to level up your Knight Statue and Blade Dancer units on the field. The Scrapper is great in this deck as it will save you huge amounts of mana during the later stages of the game.

Blade Dancer Trapper Deck

An image showing a Blade Dancer Trapper deck in Rush Royale
Blade Dancer Trapper Deck
  • Blade Dancer
  • Knight Statue
  • Trapper
  • Scrapper
  • Portal Keeper

Deck Tips

The next deck on our list features the Blade Dancer paired with the Trapper unit. The Trapper unit becomes extremely valuable as you reach the later stages of a game when enemies become stronger.

In the first stages of the game, your aim should be to build up a number of high-level Blade Dancer units. These will be able to comfortably get you through the first few waves and defeat the first few bosses.

Use the Portal Keeper unit to position your Blade Dancer or maneuver them around depending on what talent you have selected.

The Scrapper unit should be used to remove any unwanted cards and to level up your Blade Dancer and Knight Statue units.

The Trapper unit will come into its own as you reach the later stages of the battle. You will typically only require 1 or 2 highly leveled Trapper units on the field at once.

Blade Dancer Banner Deck

An image showing a Blade Dancer Banner deck in Rush Royale
Blade Dancer Banner Deck
  • Blade Dancer
  • Scrapper
  • Dryad
  • Banner
  • Enchanted Sword

Deck Tips

This deck is ideal for players who may have not unlocked the Knight Statue unit yet in the game as we see the Banner substituted in its place. If you have unlocked talents on the Blade Dancer this deck is suited for the Floral Frenzy talent.

In the early stages of the game, your aim is to get a number of Blade Dancers on the field in the correct position. You will have to rely on merging them into the correct position or them randomly dropping into place as you do not have the Portal Keeper on hand.

Aim to merge your Enchanted Sword units to give your Blade Dancers a maximum boost when they are fixed in place. Your Banner unit should be surrounded by Blade Dancers so they receive an attack speed increase.

Your Dryad and Scrapper units should be used to level up your Blade Dancer and Banner units once they are in their correct positions.

Blade Dancer Chemist Deck

An image showing a Blade Dancer Chemist deck in Rush Royale
Blade Dancer Chemist Deck
  • Blade Dancer
  • Scrapper
  • Chemist
  • Knight Statue
  • Portal Keeper

Deck Tips

This deck sees the Blade Dancer unit matched with the Knight Statue and Chemist cards. Using these card combinations can maximize the attack speed of the Blade Dancer and strip back enemy armor.

In the first stages of the game, your plan should be to build up a good amount of high-level Blade Dancers positioned near the Knight Statues. This will be enough to get you through the first few waves and bosses.

Use your Portal Keepers to maneuver your Blade Dancers near the Knight Statues or to remove any negative effects they may have.

Your Scrapper is used to level up Blade Dancers and the one or two Chemists you may have on the field. The Scrapper unit will save you a lot of mana when matches last for longer periods of time.

Blade Dancer Bombardier Deck

An image showing a Blade Dancer Bombardier deck in Rush Royale
Blade Dancer Bombardier Deck
  • Blade Dancer
  • Bombardier
  • Ivy
  • Dryad
  • Portal Keeper

Deck Tips

The final deck on our list is one of the more free-to-play friendly decks as it only includes 2 different legendary cards. This deck gives you a good amount of firepower and a variation of support cards.

If you have unlocked talents on the Blade Dancer unit this deck is suited to the Blooming Dash talent where the units need to be moved around from time to time.

The Bombardier is the main support card in this deck as it will stun enemies as they try to pass. We found that using two highly leveled Bombardiers was more than enough to be effective in-game.

Use your Dryads to level up your Blade Dancer units and then any other cards that need leveling up after.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best Blade Dancer decks currently in Rush Royale. Mastering each deck can take time, we found that playing with the decks enough times will result in a decent amount of wins as you learn the strengths and weaknesses of each deck.

Please check back frequently to see any updates or take a look at our guides on the best Engineer decks or the best Inquistior decks next!

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