Rush Royale | Best Boreas Decks

Featured image for the best Boreas decks in Rush Royale

In Rush Royale, the aim of the game is to overpower your opponent by building deck combinations that can lead you to victory. Like most games, Rush Royale offers a number of different cards that vary in grade from common to legendary that can be obtained and leveled up to create endless deck possibilities.

In this article, we are going to focus on the Boreas and some of the best decks for the card. We will look at a number of deck variations and give you some tips on how to play them.

An image showing the card overview of the Boreas in Rush Royale

The Boreas is a legendary card that is part of the Forest Alliance faction in Rush Royale. The card has a relatively low base damage stat but when paired with the Grindstone or Hex can become deadly. The card has 3 different phases to its attack, when the card reaches phase 2 or phase 3 it drastically increases its attack speed for a set duration of time. This is when the Boreas becomes deadly and a very useful card.

Best Boreas decks

There are a number of strong Boreas decks that you can choose from in Rush Royale. We have listed some of our favorites and strongest below:

Boreas Chemist Deck

An image showing a strong Boreas deck in Rush Royale
Boreas Chemist Deck
  • Boreas
  • Grindstone
  • Dryad
  • Portal Keeper
  • Chemist

Deck Tips

In this deck, we paired the Boreas with the Grindstone. This gives the card a much-needed damage boost which enables it to take down powerful enemies at a fast rate. You need to position your Boreas units next to the Grindstone units on the field. This deck gave us the best win rate out of all the Boreas decks on this list.

Try to have 1 or at a max 2 high-powered Chemist cards on the field, this will help your Boreas units kill enemies at a faster rate as their armor is broken.

The Dryad should be used to level up your Boreas and Grindstone cards, when they start to reach merge levels 3 and 4 the damage output drastically improves which makes killing bosses easier.

Your Portal Keeper can be used to remove any negative effects on your cards and also position your Boreas units next to the Grindstone units. Try to keep a Portal Keeper at the same level for each merge rank you have in your deck.

Boreas Bombardier Deck

An image showing a strong Boreas deck in Rush Royale
Boreas Bombardier Deck
  • Bombardier
  • Grindstone
  • Priestess
  • Executioner
  • Boreas

Deck Tips

This is another strong Boreas deck that is catered toward free-to-play players. Most of the cards in this deck are easily available and unlocked at the early stages of the game.

Your aim with this deck is to build as many highly-merged Boreas units next to Grindstones as possible. Your Priestess card can be used to gain you additional mana which will assist you in creating more units.

The Bombardier unit is used in this deck to stun enemies, this will give your Boreas cards more time to defeat them as they pass.

Use a couple of high-rank Executioners to finish off enemies. This can be a deadly combo with the Boreas card when you combine the attack speed of the Boreas and the ability to finish off enemies with the Executioner.

Boreas Hex Deck

An image showing a strong Boreas deck in Rush Royale
Boreas Hex Deck
  • Boreas
  • Hex
  • Dryad
  • Portal Keeper
  • Chemist

Deck Tips

This strong Boreas deck sees us swap out the Grindstone card for the Hex card. Instead of a damage boost, we combine the fast fire rate of the Boreas with the chance to instantly kill enemies with the Hex card.

Your main attack card in this deck is the Boreas, aim to have as many high-powered cards on the field at once. You have your Portal Keeper card in hand to remove any negative effects and to position your Boreas cards next to the Hex card.

Higher-leveled Hex cards work best with this combo as they greatly increase the chance to instantly kill your enemy. When you have enough mana you should increase the card to mana level 5 to improve the insta kill chance.

The Chemist should be used to remove armor from your enemies so that the Boreas can kill at a faster rate, aim to have 1 or 2 highly leveled Chemists on the field.

Boreas Grindstone Deck

An image showing a strong Boreas deck in Rush Royale
Boreas Grindstone Deck
  • Boreas
  • Grindstone
  • Harlequin
  • Dryad
  • Trapper

Deck Tips

In this deck, we look to utilize the Harlequin card which will assist in merging your units up to a higher level in-game. The addition of the Trapper card can also slow enemies and remove their armor.

Surround your Grindstone cards with Boreas units so that they receive the much-needed damage buff. With no Portal Keeper in the deck, you will need to play tactically once your units are in the correct positions.

You can use your Harlequin to duplicate your Dryad units to improve the merge level of your Grindstone and Boreas cards.

The Trapper should be used to slow enemies in their paths, this will give you more time to defeat them and also remove their armor so that they are easier to kill.

Boreas Portal Keeper Deck

An image showing a strong Boreas deck in Rush Royale
Boreas Portal Keeper Deck
  • Boreas
  • Grindstone
  • Portal Keeper
  • Dryad
  • Trapper

Deck Tips

The final deck in our list of the best Boreas decks in Rush Royale sees the return of the Portal Keeper. This card can be essential with the Boreas as positioning can be the difference between winning and losing.

Pair your Boreas cards next to your Grindstone units to gain the damage increase boost. This will make taking down powerful bosses much easier and faster.

Use your Dryad card to level up your Boreas and Grindstone units. The Dryad can also be used to level up your Portal Keepers which can remove negative effects and also move cards to their ideal positions.

The Trapper should be used in this deck purely to slow enemies and remove their armor. Aim to keep a maximum of 2 highly merged Trappers on the field at once.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best Boreas decks currently in Rush Royale. Mastering each deck can take time, we found that playing with the decks enough times will result in a decent amount of wins as you learn the strengths and weaknesses of each deck. Please check back frequently to see any updates or take a look at our guides on the best Cultist decks or the best Monk decks next!

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