Rush Royale | Best Deck Guide (Arena 12)

Featured image for Rush Royale Arena 12 best deck guide

Welcome to our guide on the best deck for Arena 12 (Destroyer) in Rush Royale! In this article, we will break down the best tried and tested deck for conquering Arena 12 and also provide some useful tips on how to use each deck to its strengths. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, we’ve got you covered. Let’s jump right in and start your journey to master the game, one arena by one!

Arena 12 (Destroyer) is unlocked when you reach 3300 trophies in Rush Royale. By unlocking Arena 12 you gain access to a number of new cards.

An image showing Arena 12 and what it unlocks in Rush Royale
Arena 12 (Destroyer) in Rush Royale

Knight Statue, Stasis, and Monk are the new cards that are unlocked when you enter Arena 12, you can obtain them in chests, events, and in battle.

Arena 12 is where things really start to get tough. You will start coming up against players that are familiar with the game and the cards that they use in their decks. You will notice that the majority of battles last longer and you will have to defeat a number of bosses in most battles.

We have left out any of the new cards that you can obtain out of any decks for Arena 12 as we know it can take some time to get them.

The best deck for Arena 12 (Destroyer)

An image showing a good deck choice for Arena 12 in Rush Royale
Best Deck for Arena 12

The deck consists of the following cards:

  • Inquisitor
  • Portal Keeper
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Dryad
  • Trapper

Gameplay tips

This is the strongest deck that we used in Arena 12, we found that this deck would win us most battles by overpowering the opponent with the Inquisitor cards. The deck does take some getting used to but we found it worthwhile in the end.

The Inquisitor is your main point of attack in this deck. The aim of this deck is to get 4, 7, or 11 strong Inquisitors on the field at the same time. With this number, they will receive an attack speed boost that will maximize damage output. Use the Dryad cards to level up your Inquisitors.

The Trapper is a useful card that can slow enemies and also provide a small amount of damage, try to use a maximum of 2 Trappers on your deck. The Enchanted Sword provides your cards with an attack boost or reduction for your enemies when it is merged.

Other strong decks for Arena 12

The beauty of Rush Royale is that there is a range of different unit cards available for you to choose from. This makes the possibilities endless and it means you are not confined to one deck variation.

Other strong decks that we have found useful in Arena 12 are:

Deck 2

An image showing a good deck choice for Arena 12 in Rush Royale
Cultist Deck for Arena 12
  • Cultist
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Dryad
  • Harlequin
  • Portal Keeper

Gameplay tips

This deck makes it from our list of the best decks to use in Arena 11 into Arena 12. This deck utilizes the powerful Harlequin card which when paired with the Dryad can make you unstoppable. The Enchanted Sword is used in this deck to penalize your opponent and give you a small boost.

The game plan with this deck is to get as many Cultist cards on the field as possible. The cards in the center of the field should be your highest-level cards as these will receive the best speed attack boost. You can use the Portal Keeper to arrange your deck as required and remove any negative effects that they may have.

The Dryad and Harlequin cards can be used to generate a number of Dryads to upgrade your deck. Learning how to use these cards effectively is currently one of the most effective ways to win in-game.

Deck 3

An image showing a good deck choice for Arena 12 in Rush Royale
Boreas and Grindstone Deck for Arena 12
  • Portal Keeper
  • Grindstone
  • Boreas
  • Dryad
  • Demonologist

Gameplay tips

This deck makes our list as it features some of the legendary cards that could be obtained earlier on in the game. This means that most players in Arena 12 will likely have access to the cards in the deck.

The game plan with this deck is to try and position some highly leveled Boreas cards next to your Grindstone cards. These two can be a formidable force when positioned correctly that can quickly take down some of the toughest enemies.

Use your Dryad cards to level up your Boreas and Grindstone cards for maximum effect. Your Portal Keeper can be used to position the Grindstone or Boreas cards in the optimum positions.

The Demonologist card is a useful trick to have in your deck as it will spawn an enemy over on your opponent’s side throughout the battle.

Deck 4

An image showing a good deck choice for Arena 12 in Rush Royale
Cultist Mime Deck for Arena 12
  • Cultist
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Dryad
  • Harlequin
  • Mime

Gameplay tips

The final deck for Arena 12 on our list is one we have previously mentioned. The only difference is that we have swapped the Portal Keeper out for the Mime. This deck does feature a lot of legendary cards which can be difficult to obtain, through playing the game frequently and completing challenges we have managed to build up a good card collection.

The game plan with this deck is to get as many Cultist cards together so that they receive their boost. Try to keep the most powerful Cultist cards in the center of the map as they are the ones that receive the greatest boost.

Use your Harlequin cards to duplicate Dryad cards to upgrade the Cultist or duplicate cards that get in the way of Cultist placement. The Enchanted Sword can give you a good attack boost or a decrease to your enemy.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best decks for Arena 12 (Destroyer) in Rush Royale. We have found these decks to be the best in Arena 12 and have helped up climb the ladder in the game. Please check back frequently or take a look at our guides on the best decks for Arena 11 (Eliminator) or Arena 13 (Conqueror) next!

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