Welcome to our guide on the best deck for Arena 4 (Rookie) in Rush Royale! In this article, we will break down the best tried and tested deck for conquering Arena 4 and also provide some useful tips on how to use each deck to its strengths. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, we’ve got you covered. Let’s jump right in and start your journey to master the game, one arena by one!
Arena 4 (Rookie) is unlocked when you reach 700 trophies in Rush Royale. By unlocking Arena 4 you gain access to a number of new cards and heroes.

Magic Cauldron, Sentry, Mime, Cold Elemental, and Boreas are the new cards that you can obtain after reaching Arena 4. Zeus and Snowflake are the two new heroes that can also be unlocked.
This is the stage of the game where things start to get tricky as the player’s skill level will start to increase. If you have unlocked the legendary Boreas card you can replace the Engineer in the deck shown below.
The best deck for Arena 4 (Rookie)

The deck consists of the following cards:
- Banner
- Bombardier
- Engineer
- Hunter
- Priestess
Gameplay tips
The deck focuses on a number of high-power damage-focused units that can simply batter your opponent. The deck should be played aggressively by playing out all of your cards until you reach a full deck. Do not worry about mana recovery early on in the game or if your opponent is starting to level up cards.
Once you have obtained a full deck you should focus on leveling up your support/buff cards. If you have Engineers lined up they should be left as they will gain a boost when a number of them connect. Banners, when used wisely can provide all neighboring cards with an ATK speed boost. This can sometimes be the difference between victory or loss in battle.
If your battle runs for a long period of time your Engineers will come into their own. Focus on trying to get a number of them aligned, when they reach maximum level watch your enemy struggle to counter the attack.
Other notable decks
The beauty of Rush Royale is that there is a range of different unit cards available for you to choose from. This makes the possibilities endless and it means you are not confined to one deck variation.
Other notable decks that we have found useful in Arena 4 are:
Deck 2

- Cold Mage
- Bombardier
- Engineer
- Banner
- Priestess
Gameplay tips
In this deck, the Cold Mage will be used to slow enemy troops whilst the Engineer and Bombardier will be used to deal high amounts of damage. The Banner will be used to increase the ATK speed of nearby units and the Priestess can be used to support dealing damage.
In the early game try to position Engineers as close together as possible, this will result in your Engineers being able to deal higher amounts of damage. Once all tiles have been filled with cards focus on merging your support/buff cards first. The high-damage dealers like your Engineer and Bombardier will be fine at base level for the early parts of the match.
The end game tactic is to try and get as many Engineers close together to maximize damage output. If this is not achievable you can rely on your Bombardier and Priestess cards to apply pressure on your enemy.
And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best decks for Arena 4 (Rookie) in Rush Royale. We have found these decks to be the best in Arena 4 and have helped up climb the ladder in the game. Please check back frequently or take a look at our guides on the best decks for Arena 3 (Cadet) or Arena 5 (Brawler) next!