Welcome to our guide on the best decks for Arena 3 (Cadet) in the popular mobile game Rush Arena. In this article, we will take a look at the best decks you can use to conquer Arena 3 and climb up the ladder in Rush Arena. We will provide you with some gameplay tips and how to get the most out of the featured decks. Let’s jump right in and start your journey to becoming a seasoned pro, one arena by one!
Arena 3 (Cadet) is the third Arena that you will face in Rush Arena. You will gain access to a number of new cards and also receive a tower upgrade.
Most players you will come across here are also still learning the game, the competition is pretty simple if you use the right deck.

Lil’ Dragon, Landmine, Teleport, Berserker, and Electron are the new cards that you will unlock. You can obtain these cards in chests, events, and by taking part in battles.
You will also unlock the Training Dummy which is a common spell.
Arena 3 is yet another fairly level playground in terms of player skill. Most players at this stage of the game are starting to learn the game mechanics and decks will slightly vary from player to player.
Best decks for Arena 3 (Cadet)
Deck 1

The deck consists of the following cards:
- Lil’ Dragon
- Archer
- Gadget
- Combat Engineer
- Ra
Gameplay tips
This was the deck that we mostly used to clear Arena 3 in Rush Arena. The deck was strong and was able to easily beat most opponents we faced.
The deck features one of the new cards that you unlock in the Lil’ Dragon. This card gives you a medium-range flying unit that can apply pressure to your opponent.
In the early stages of the game aim to fill all tiles on your deck before merging any cards.
The Gadget card is your main source of attack, pair this with the Ra card and you are onto a winner. You should try to join as many Gadget cards together for maximum effect as they receive a boost.
The special ability of the Ra card makes this deck stands out. It can give the Ra the ability to fly and also summon powerful lightning bolts that will take out your opponents.
Deck 2

The deck consists of the following cards:
- Rotor Goblinses
- Archer
- Gadget
- Blizzard
- Combat Engineer
Gameplay tips
This deck uses no legendary units which makes it perfect for free-to-play players and also players who have not yet unlocked any legendary units.
In the early stages of the game, your aim should be to fill all tiles with unit cards. This will help you counter your opponent’s attack before your start merging cards.
The Gadget card is your main source of attack in the deck. The more Gadget cards that you have adjacent to each other, the more powerful the Gadget cards become. These cards alone can win you a match when enough of them are present.
The Blizzard unit is effective as it will attack all enemy troops that come near it. This is useful as time goes on and more enemies are present on the battlefield.
Rotor Goblinses can be used to apply pressure to your opponent’s towers. If your opponent is lacking in air defense then this card can be really effective.
Deck 3

The deck consists of the following cards:
- Lil’ Dragon
- Archer
- Gadget
- Blizzard
- Ra
Gameplay tips
In this deck, we see the return of the legendary Ra unit. in our experience, this card was a stand-out performer and would assist us winning in battles.
In the early stages of the game, your aim should be to fill all tiles with unit cards. This will help you counter your opponent’s attack before your start merging cards.
The Archer is a ranged unit that will attack both opponent’s air and ground-based units.
The Gadget is yet again a go-to card that can win you matches, this is one of the stand-out cards in the early stages of the game in our experience. Aim to connect as many together as possible for maximum effect.
And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best decks for Arena 3 (Cadet) in Rush Arena. We have found these decks to be effective in Arena 3 and have helped us climb the PvP ladder in the game.
Please check back frequently or take a look at our guides on the best decks for Arena 2 (Recruit) or Arena 4 (Rookie) next.