In Rush Royale, the aim of the game is to overpower your opponent by building deck combinations that can lead you to victory. Like most games, Rush Royale offers a number of different cards that vary in grade from common to legendary and can be obtained and leveled up to create endless deck possibilities.
In this article, we are going to focus on the Demon Hunter and some of the best decks for the card. We will look at a number of deck variations and give you some tips on how to play them.

The Demon Hunter is a legendary card that is part of the Magic Council faction in Rush Royale. The card attacks a number of the first targets on the map which depends on her rank. The card also receives a damage increase for the total merge rank of all the Demons on the field. This can be a top-tier card when mastered and features in some of the strongest decks around.
Talents add another level to this card and since the addition of them, the Demon Hunter can be found in some of the most powerful deck combinations in Rush Royale.
Best Demon Hunter decks
There are a number of strong Demon Hunter decks that you can choose from in Rush Royale. We have listed some of our favorites and strongest below:
Demon Hunter Summoner Deck

- Demon Hunter
- Summoner
- Harlequin
- Dryad
- Enchanted Sword
Deck Tips
This deck utilizes cards that can assist you in building up a number of Demon Hunters in the early stages of the game. The Summoner is one of the best units to use with cards like the Demon Hunter as they will save you a great deal of mana as they generate additional cards.
Try to build up a score of at least 10 for your Demon Hunters before the first boss as this will help you in defeating them. Continue to build your Demon Hunters after this to boost their attack.
The Enchanted Sword is a very useful card when paired with the Demon Hunter as it can greatly increase the amount of damage output. Merge your Enchanted Swords (if you do not have talents) when you have a good amount of Demon Hunters on the field that will not be merged. Merging them will remove the positive effect gained from the Enchanted Swords.
Demon Hunter Dryad Deck

- Demon Hunter
- Scrapper
- Harlequin
- Mime
- Dryad
Deck Tips
This deck focuses on merging and leveling up your Demon Hunters as high as possible. This deck gives you the best options in the game for merging, duplicating, and leveling up cards.
You will need to try and have at least a merge rank of 10 on your Demon Hunters before the first boss enters the field. After the first boss, you can start spending mana to upgrade the rank of your Demon Hunters.
Use the Harlequin to duplicate Dryads early on in the game to level up your Demon Hunters. The Scrapper can be used to get rid of any unwanted cards and also upgrade your cards later on in the game.
Demon Hunter Witch Deck

- Demon Hunter
- Witch
- Harlequin
- Enchanted Sword
- Dryad
Deck Tips
The aim of this deck is also to level/merge your Demon Hunters as high as possible, you also have support cards in the Witch and Enchanted Sword which can have effects on you and your opponent.
Try to place some Demon Hunters on the field early on, and aim for a combined merge rank of at least 10 before the first boss enters the field. Use the Harlequin to duplicate Dryads if required to do this.
Merge your Enchanted Sword to increase your damage output or reduce your opponents when you both have most of your deck built. This way the effect will last longer instead of early on when a lot of cards are merged.
The Witch can be used to place a negative effect on your opponent’s units which has a certain chance of your opponent’s attacks healing monsters instead of performing damage.
Demon Hunter Enchanted Sword Deck

- Demon Hunter
- Harlequin
- Enchanted Sword
- Dryad
- Mime
Deck Tips
This deck can be extremely powerful when played correctly. It utilizes the Demon Hunter card with the Enchanted Sword, which can be a deadly pair when mastered.
In the early stages of the game, try to build up a few Demon Hunters on the field. You should use your Harlequins to duplicate Dryad cards to do this. At merge rank 10 your Demon Hunters receive an attack speed boost which will help you with bosses.
The Mime card can be used to merge Enchanted Swords and any other unwanted cards on the field. Try to time the merge of Enchanted Swords when you are happy with your deck as you do not want to remove the effect by merging cards.
Demon Hunter Bombardier Deck

- Demon Hunter
- Bombardier
- Chemist
- Mime
- Dryad
Deck Tips
This deck is targeted at players that have fewer legendary cards and also free-to-play players. The deck utilizes the Bombardier, Chemist, and Mime cards which are all obtained at the early stages of the game.
Like all Demon Hunter decks, you need a few Demon Hunters on the field in the early stages of the match. Use the Dryads to merge your Demon Hunters to the highest combined merge level before the first boss.
Try to have a maximum of 1-2 highly ranked Chemists and Bombardiers on the field at once. You will want both cards to be at least merge rank 3 as they will receive an attack speed bonus which can increase the stun chance by your Bombardier cards.
And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best Demon Hunter decks currently in Rush Royale. Mastering each deck can take time, we found that playing with the decks enough times will result in a decent amount of wins as you learn the strengths and weaknesses of each deck. Please check back frequently for updates or take a look at our guides on the best decks for Arena 13 (Conqueror) or the best Banshee decks next!