Kingdom Rush Origins | Best Free Heroes

Featured image for our guide on the best free heroes in Kingdom Rush Origins

As tower defense games gain popularity in the world of mobile gaming, Kingdom Rush Origins has emerged as one of the fan favorites with its mix of strategy and RPG elements. One of the key components that contribute to success in the game is the diverse range of heroes at your disposal. While some of the heroes require an investment there are several characters that you can obtain for free.

In this article, we will take a look at the best free-to-play heroes in Kingdom Rush Origins. We will take a look at their individual strengths, skills, and scenarios/playstyles that make them shine. Let’s get into it and look at the best free heroes in Kingdom Rush Origins!

Best Free Heroes

There are a number of different free-to-play heroes that can be unlocked in Kingdom Rush Origins. Our list features three of the heroes that we found the most effective and helped us the most to beat levels and challenges in the game. We have come to our conclusion after playing through the games campaign mode and various challenges with all of the different free-to-play heroes.

The best free heroes in Kingdom Rush Origins are:


An image showing the Eridan hero in Kingdom Rush Origins

At the top of our list is Eridan.

Eridan is a ground-based hero that is unlocked in the very first stage of the game. He uses a range of different ranged and melee attacks that can quickly and effectively take down monsters. For this reason, we found that Eridan is suited for almost all stages of the game as he can attack monsters that are in the air, monsters on the ground, and also block enemies as they try to pass.

One of the stand-out abilities for Eridan is the Arrow Volley. When fully unlocked Eridan will shoot a 9-arrow volley in quick succession that can quickly take down any enemies in range. If he is surrounded by enemies Eridan will draw his blades which can deal a good amount of melee damage to monsters.

An image showing the Arrow Storm skill being used in Kingdom Rush Origins
Arrow Storm

Eridans special attack is called Arrow Storm where you can select an area on the map where a blanket of arrows will deal damage to any enemy that falls inside it. This attack is great for clearing out mobs on monsters when you find yourself in a sticky situation.

The only slight weakness that we found with Eridan is against tough bosses such as Golems. As he has relatively low HP he can get wiped out quickly if he is not moved away from danger. In these scenarios, we found it best to move Eridan out of range of boss attacks so he can use his bow to deal damage.


An image showing the Catha hero in Kingdom Rush Origins

Next on our list is Catha.

Catha is a magical fairy hero that uses a range of magical attacks to deal damage to enemies on the battlefield. Catha is many people’s favorite hero in the game as she can summon pixie warriors to fight alongside her. This makes her extremely useful at holding up enemies on the path, you should aim to position her near towers that can deal huge amounts of damage as she will stall enemies with the help of the warriors.

Catha also has a skill that allows her to heal allied enemies with a shot of Faery Magic. This can make her very useful around your barrack units and groups of allied units that come under heavy fire.

An image showing the Faery Dust skill being used in Kingdom Rush Origins
Faery Dust

Catha’s special attack is called Faery Dust which stuns all enemies in a selected area for a set duration. This skill is great for bosses and mobs of enemies that are getting close to passing through your gates. It will also allow any nearby towers more time to target enemies and deal more damage.

The only weakness we found with Catha is her low HP, we found against powerful enemies and bosses she could quickly be killed if in range of their attacks. Moving her away is the best way around this as she can deal damage from range and heal any allied units fighting the enemy.

You can check out out list of the top tower units in-game here.


An image showing the Arivan hero in Kingdom Rush Origins

The final hero on our list is Arivan.

Arivan is a ground-based hero that shoots powerful magical attacks in the way of enemies. Arivan is the second hero that you will unlock in Kingdom Rush Origins after Eridan. Arivan attacks using fireballs and lightning bolts, both of these attacks can deal a good amount of damage and assist in defeating enemies.

Arivan can also freeze enemies in place for a set duration with his icy prison attack which also deals frost damage. Arivan is best used on levels with fast-moving enemies as he can assist in quickly taking them out with his magical attacks. He will require moving around the field in battle as you do not want him positioned too close to bosses and powerful monsters.

An image showing the Elemental Storm skill being used in Kingdom Rush Origins
Elemental Storm

Arivan’s special attack is called Elemental Storm where he will summon an Elemental Tornado on the map that slows and deals a high amount of damage to any enemy that comes into contact with it. This attack is best used with hoards of enemies that are passing through it. The attack will damage all enemies in the area that pass through the tornado.

The only negative that we found with Arivan is his low HP. He has the lowest HP on our list and can quickly be defeated by bosses and enemies that have powerful attacks. This can sometimes leave you short if you position Arivan wrong and leave enemies to attack him. Aim to move him around after each wave to ensure that he stays alive.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed our guide to the best free heroes in Kingdom Rush Origins. These heroes were the stand-out performers after testing them on the battlefield for countless hours in a range of different scenarios. It is worth remembering on some stages where you appear to be struggling changing your hero can be the difference between victory and failure.

If you would like to check out our full list of the best paid and free-to-play heroes on Kingdom Rush Origins click here.

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