Welcome Survivor.io enthusiasts to another article in the series where we take an in-depth look at the best equipment in the popular mobile game Survivor.io. In this article, we will be focusing on gloves. We will start by taking a look at what they affect and then rate them from best to worst.
In Survivor.io equipment is key, it can provide you with a much-needed boost on your base stats (HP and ATK). As you level up equipment it also unlocks grade skills, these are unique boosts assigned to pieces of specific equipment such as critical damage chance and movement speed boosts.
Gloves are one of the 6 pieces of equipment that you will equip your survivor with. Knowing which pair to equip can depend on a number of factors including your play style and also what level/challenge you are playing in.
What stats do gloves affect?
Gloves in Survivor.io affect your stats related to the ATK attribute. when gloves reach the blue grade (better) they will start to unlock grade skills which are unique skills/boosts. These grade skills can be unlocked for better, excellent, epic, and legendary levels which can be unlocked by merging your equipment.
We will now take a look at the best and worst gloves currently in the game.
Gloves in Survivor.io
In Survivor.io there are currently 7 pairs of gloves that you can choose from, each pair of gloves can come in every grade other than the Voidwaker handguards and Eternal gloves which are S quality:
- Voidwaker handguards
- Eternal gloves
- Army gloves
- Protective gloves
- Leather gloves
- Shiny wristguard
- Fingerless gloves
Each pair of gloves offers different grade skills and unique boosts. Whilst we do have a list of our best to worst gloves in the game some boots are better suited for different levels. These are found by trial and error if you are stuck on a level or challenge.
We will now take a look at the best gloves in Survivor.io, we will start by looking at the top-tier boots and work our way down to the ones we consider average.
Voidwaker Handguards

The Voidwaker handguards are currently considered one of the strongest pairs of gloves in the game. Being a top-tier S-grade piece of equipment they do come at a cost, but they are certainly worth it. The gloves will give you a nice ATK stat boost from when you first obtain them.
5 different grade skills are available from the Voidwaker handguards, the first (green) is the ability to insta-kill any non-boss enemy that is below 20% HP. This is a useful skill to get you out of tough spots when one attack does not completely kill a monster. The blue-grade skill will give you an ATK boost of +15%.
At the excellent grade, this is when the gloves start to come into their own. You will receive a massive 50% damage increase against elites/bosses, this is a huge boost that will assist massively in defeating those tough-to-beat monsters. At epic, you receive another ATK stat boost of +25%.
At legendary grade, the gloves unlock a skill called Sanguine Aura which means enemies in a certain radius of you will gradually lose 1% HP every 0.1s. This is an excellent skill for draining enemies’ health especially when you are surrounded. The skill will not work against bosses.
Eternal gloves

The Eternal gloves are another top-tier pair of gloves. The skills in this glove will increase your ATK and also your critical hit chance. Like the Voidwaker handguards, the Eternal gloves are an S-grade piece of equipment which means they are rare.
The first three grade skill will automatically come unlocked when you obtain the gloves. They will give you an ATK boost of +20% when your HP is over 50%, an ATK boost of +15%, and your attacks have an additional 10% to deal with a critical attack.
Once these gloves reach epic grade you will unlock another +25% which will drastically improve your attacks and make them more deadly. The legendary grade skill on these gloves will give you an additional +10% boost to your critical attack rate and also improve your critical attack by 100%.
These gloves are ideal in scenarios where you want to deal out ultra-high damage, they have come in handy when taking on those tough-to-beat bosses.
Army gloves

The next pair of gloves on our list is the Army gloves. Army gloves can come in every grade from normal to legendary grade. The gloves will give your ATK stat a boost, the higher the level and the better grade = the more ATK increase. The stat boosts on these gloves make them ideal to use when you are struggling to defeat bosses and elite enemies.
The first grade skill that unlocks when the gloves reach the better grade is an ATK boost of +10%. When the gloves reach excellent grade you will receive a +20% damage boost to elite enemies and bosses. This makes the gloves extremely strong on those levels where you are struggling to defeat the bosses.
When the gloves reach epic grade the damage boost to elites and bosses increases to +50%! The final grade skill that is unlocked is another +15% ATK boost.
Protective gloves

At number 4 is the Protective gloves. The Protective gloves are based around giving your ATK stat a boost and also a useful radiation ring that is presented when you defeat an enemy.
The first grade skill that is unlocked is a boost to your ATK stat of +15%. When the gloves reach the excellent grade they unlock a radiation ring that is left behind when you defeat enemies. The ring deals damage over time to any enemies that come into its range.
When the gloves reach the epic grade the damage dealt by the radiation ring is doubled, making it much more effective. We found at this point the ring would deal a good amount of damage that could kill some enemies that have lower HP stats.
The legendary grade skill on the Protective gloves is another ATK boost of +15%
Leather gloves

Leather gloves are a solid pair of gloves that can become useful when they reach the epic grade. When they reach the better grade an ATK boost of +15% is applied. This is followed by a critical hit chance boost of +5% when the gloves reach excellent grade. Whilst this is a nice boost we found that it was mostly ineffective at this level.
We found that the gloves became useful when they reached the epic grade. The grade skill that is unlocked at this point is a critical damage boost of +50% and also critical hits now inflict bleed. This gives your critical hit damage a massive boost and also the ability to inflict bleed will assist you in defeating tough enemies.
The final grade skill (legendary) is another ATK boost of +15%.
Shiny wristguard

The Shiny wristguards are gloves that we would consider to be average, this means that they still have a use and should be used if they are your highest-graded item however, they will not give you the best unique boosts to give you that upper edge.
The first grade skill that you will unlock at the blue (better) grade is an ATK stat boost of +10%. This is then followed by a minor explosion that is created when a monster is defeated at the excellent grade.
The explosion damage is doubled when the gloves reach the epic grade. You may have luck with these gloves earlier on in the game but when we used them in the higher levels of the game they only became useful when the explosion damage was doubled.
The final boost that is unlocked when the gloves reach legendary grade is another ATK stat boost of +15%.
Fingerless gloves

The final gloves on our list are the Fingerless gloves. We would consider these boots the most average out of the 7 we have discussed above. They can be obtained in every grade from normal to legendary and will provide an ATK stat boost.
The first grade skill that is unlocked is an ATK stat boost of +10%. This is followed by a 1% chance to instakill non-boss monsters when the gloves reach the excellent grade. Whilst this skill seems useful it is only a 1% chance, which means it is highly unlikely to kill many monsters. It is also only applicable to non-boss monsters most of them have low HP anyway.
The epic grade skill is actually a really nice boost, it will provide you with a +3% damage increase for every 200 monsters that you defeat. Whilst the boost is capped at 30% it will still provide your attacks with a great increase in the amount of damage they can deal.
Finally, the gloves will unlock another ATK stat boost of +15% when they reach legendary status.
And there you have it! That was our guide on the best gloves in Survivor.io to date. It is worth stating that each pair of gloves has its own individual strengths and weaknesses, we have just found the list above to be a reflection of when we have battled in the game for a long period of time. There may be times when you can try switching your gloves to beat specific levels and continue your journey to becoming the ultimate survivor!
If you would like to check out the best tried and tested methods of gaining gems take a look at our article here.