Rush Royale | Best Monk Decks

Featured image for the best Monk decks in Rush Royale

In Rush Royale, the aim of the game is to overpower your opponent by building deck combinations that can lead you to victory. Like most games, Rush Royale offers a number of different cards that vary in grade from common to legendary that can be obtained and leveled up to create endless deck possibilities.

In this article, we are going to focus on the Monk and some of the best decks for the card. We will look at a number of deck variations and give you some tips on how to play them.

An image showing the card overview of the Monk in Rush Royale

The Monk is a legendary card that is part of the Kingdom of Light faction in Rush Royale.

The card attacks by throwing orbs at enemies as they pass, they focus on the first enemy on the path. The aim when playing any Monk deck is to achieve both vertical and horizontal lines of Monks. Monks that are lined up vertically will gain an attack speed increase, horizontally they will receive an attack damage boost. A Monk that is positioned at the intersection of both lines will receive both bonuses.

Best Monk decks

There are a number of strong Monk decks that you can choose from in Rush Royale. We have listed some of our favorites and strongest below:

Monk Enchanted Sword Deck

An image showing a Monk Mime deck in Rush Royale
Monk Enchanted Sword Deck
  • Mime
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Harlequin
  • Dryad
  • Monk

Deck Tips

The game plan with this deck is to get as many high-powered Monk units on the field at once. This will grant you the attack speed and damage increase bonuses that you gain from aligning Monks.

In the early stages of the game try to get at least one line of Monks on the field, this will assist you in beating the first boss. After the first boss, you should try to level up your Monk units and create more lines of highly-merged Monks.

Use your Harlequin card to duplicate Dryads, this will assist you in upgrading your Monk cards and any additional units that may need merging. Your Mime cards can be used to merge Monks depending on what talent you have set up on the card.

The Enchanted Sword should be used to give an additional buff to your Monk units. Merge the Enchanted Swords with Mimes when you have enough Monks on the field.

Monk Portal Keeper Deck

An image showing a strong Monk deck in Rush Royale
Monk Portal Keeper Deck
  • Monk
  • Dryad
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Harlequin
  • Portal Keeper

Deck Tips

This deck is almost exactly the same as the one we mentioned before – the only difference being the use of the Portal Keeper over the Mime card.

This deck gives you the ability to use the Portal Keeper to maneuver your Monk units around and also remove any negative effects that any of your cards may have.

Try to build as many lines of Monks as possible, and use your Harlequin to duplicate your Dryads and any other singular cards that may need merging. You can remove the negative effect caused by merging with your Portal Keeper.

The Enchanted Sword should be merged when you have a number of Monks on the field. This way your cards will remain buffed even when they are upgraded by the Dryad.

Monk Scrapper Deck

An image showing a strong Monk deck in Rush Royale
Monk Scrapper Deck
  • Monk
  • Dryad
  • Scrapper
  • Harlequin
  • Portal Keeper

Deck Tips

This deck focuses on multiple ways to improve your Monk units in-game with the addition of the Scrapper card to the deck.

In the early stages of the game focus on building at least one line of Monks, this will get you through the first boss (you may need to activate the special attack).

You can duplicate your Monk cards or Dryads using the Harlequin – this can depend on how your first hand of cards drop and what deck your opponent is playing. Use your Dryad cards to improve the rank of your Monk cards or any cards that need merging.

The Scrapper will come in handy at the later stages of the game, merge it with any unit that is not needed but avoid merging it with any Monks on interconnected lines.

Monk Reaper Deck

An image showing a strong Monk deck in Rush Royale
Monk Reaper Deck
  • Monk
  • Dryad
  • Reaper
  • Scrapper
  • Portal Keeper

Deck Tips

The final deck offers yet another variation of the decks we have mentioned before. This time we have subbed in the Reaper card, which can be useful for giving you a chance to instantly kill enemies as they pass.

Follow the same game plan as we mentioned before with building as many lines of interconnected Monks as possible. You have many options to upgrade cards with the Dryad and Scrapper cards in the deck.

Use your Portal Keeper to move any Monks into connecting lines and also to remove any negative effects that your enemy may put on your cards.

Use 1-2 highly-merged Reapers on the field at once, this will give you a chance to instantly kill enemies as they pass. When paired with the fast attack speed of the Monk can be a deadly combo.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best Monk decks currently in Rush Royale. Mastering each deck can take time, we found that playing with the decks enough times will result in a decent amount of wins as you learn the strengths and weaknesses of each deck. Please check back frequently to see any updates or take a look at our guides on the best Boreas decks or the best Summoner decks next!

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