Rush Royale | Best Robot Decks

Featured image for our guide on the best Robot decks in Rush Royale

In Rush Royale, the aim of the game is to overpower your opponent by building deck combinations that can lead you to victory. Like most games, Rush Royale offers a number of different cards that vary in grade from common to legendary that can be obtained and leveled up to create endless deck possibilities.

In this article, we are going to focus on the Robot unit and some of the best decks for the card. We will look at a number of deck variations and give you some tips on how to play them.

Let’s start by taking a look at the Robot card and how it works.

An image showing the card overview of the Robot in Rush Royale

The Robot is a legendary card that is part of the Technogenic Society faction in Rush Royale. The card works in a unique way that relies on being merged to become useful on the battlefield. Without talents, the Robot will get new abilities at 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 merges.

Once talents are unlocked on the Robot you gain access to a number of new abilities such as stun rockets also also being able to merge up to 80 times which gains you a huge damage multiplier. This takes the card to the next level as it can help dominate battles in all modes of the game.

The Robot can be unlocked by taking part in the Royal Trials event that periodically takes place in the game.

This card regularly finds itself at the top of the PvP leaderboard in Rush Royale. Some deck variations that involve the Robot can be incredibly fun to play with in-game.

Best Robot decks

There are a number of strong Robot decks that you can choose from in Rush Royale. We have listed some of our favorites and the strongest below:

Robot Summoner Deck

An image showing a Robot Summoner deck in Rush Royale
Robot Summoner Deck
  • Robot
  • Summoner
  • Mime
  • Trapper
  • Harlequin

Deck Tips

One of the most popular and effective Robot decks in Rush Royale uses the Summoner paired with the Robot. Since the introduction of talents to the Summoner this card can be found in a number of top decks in the game.

In the first stages of the game, your focus should be to fill all tiles that you can. This should counter your opponent’s deck and be able to deal with the first few bosses.

Use a combination of your Harlequin and Mime units to merge your Robot units up the ranks. You can use the Harlequin to duplicate Robots or Mimes to merge. You should avoid merging two Robots together as it will only count as one merge, instead always try to use a Mime.

The Summoner unit is a great unit to have in this deck as it can save you huge amounts of mana. If you have unlocked talents on your Summoner it will massively benefit this deck.

Robot Clock of Power Deck

An image showing a Robot Clock of Power deck in Rush Royale
Robot Clock of Power Deck
  • Robot
  • Shaman
  • Mime
  • Clock of Power
  • Harlequin

Deck Tips

Another popular Robot deck is one that sees it paired with the Clock of Power unit. This deck is considered one of the toxic decks in Rush Royale as the aim is to disrupt your opponent from building a strong deck.

In the first stages of the game, your aim should be to fill all tiles on the field. This will help counter any attacks from your opponent and be enough to defeat the first few bosses.

To increase your Robot merging score use a combination of the Harlequin, Mime, and Robot to get to 20 and beyond as quickly as possible. If possible do not merge two Robots together as this will only count as one merge, instead use a Mime.

The Shaman should be used to reduce the rank of your opponent’s cards. Aim to play this card when your opponent cannot merge cards or is low on mana.

The Clock of Power fits nicely into this deck as it can increase the attack speed of your units and temporarily decrease the attack speed of your opponent’s units when merging.

Robot Witch Deck

An image showing a Robot Witch deck in Rush Royale
Robot Witch Deck
  • Robot
  • Trapper
  • Mime
  • Witch
  • Harlequin

Deck Tips

If you are looking for one of the most toxic decks in Rush Royale then this may be a perfect deck for you. After spending countless hours in battle this deck would always send a shiver down your spine.

In the first stages of the game, the aim is to fill all tiles of your deck. Once you have done this use your Mime unit to merge any Robots or unwanted cards on your deck. Avoid merging two Robots together as this only counts as one merge.

The Trapper unit can be a great card to use with the Robot as it strips enemies of their armor which makes them much easier to defeat.

The Witch should be used to target enemy units you wish to apply its curse to. In some battles, this curse alone can win you games if the strongest enemy units receive it.

Robot Demonologist Deck

An image showing a Robot Demonologist deck in Rush Royale
Robot Demonologist Deck
  • Robot
  • Summoner
  • Mime
  • Demonologist
  • Harlequin

Deck Tips

This deck can be fun to play with in both PvP battles and Co-Op dungeons. We found it effective in both as it returned a strong win rate.

Fill all tiles with your units, this will counter enemy pushes and should be enough to defeat the first boss.

The aim then is to merge your Robot units using a combination of Mime and Harlequin units. Avoid merging two Robots together as it will only count as one merge.

The Demonologist summons a monster to your opponent’s side once merged. Once that monster has been defeated you will gain mana. Aim to merge the Demonologist before bosses for maximum effect.

Robot Shaman Deck

An image showing a Robot Shaman deck in Rush Royale
Robot Shaman Deck
  • Robot
  • Shaman
  • Mime
  • Frost
  • Harlequin

Deck Tips

This deck sees the Robot card paired with the Frost debuff card which slows enemies on the path as they try to pass. This gives your Robots more time to deal damage and also slows bosses.

Like all Robot decks, aim to get to 20 merges as quickly as possible. This will help you counter your opponent’s push and defeat the first few bosses.

The Frost unit will slow enemies on the path and deal frostbite damage to them. If you do not have the frost unit or prefer another debuff card you can swap this out.

The Shaman can be one of the most frustrating cards to play against as it can force unwanted merges, remove shields, and reduce the rank of enemy units. Aim to play this card when your opponent cannot merge units or is low on mana for the maximum effect.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best Robot decks currently in Rush Royale. Mastering each deck can take time, we found that playing with the decks enough times will result in a decent amount of wins as you learn the strengths and weaknesses of each deck.

Please check back frequently to see any updates or take a look at our guides on the best Zealot decks or the best Engineer decks next!

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