| Best Weapon Guide

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In equipment is key, it can provide you with a much-needed boost on your base stats (HP and ATK). As you level up equipment it also unlocks grade skills, these are unique boosts assigned to pieces of specific equipment such as critical damage chance and movement speed boosts.

Weapons are one of the 6 pieces of equipment that you will equip your survivor with. Knowing which one to equip can depend on a number of factors including your play style and also what level/challenge you are playing in.

What stats do weapons affect?

Weapons in have an effect on your ATK stat and the amount of damage that you deal to enemies. Weapons also unlock grade skills which are unique abilities that can modify your base attack or give you much-needed boosts. These grade skills can be unlocked for good, better, excellent, epic, and legendary grades which can be unlocked by merging your equipment.

We will now take a look at the best and worst weapons currently in the game.

Weapons in

In there are currently 7 different weapons that you can choose from. Each weapon provides you with an ATK stat boost and its own unique grade skills that are unlocked as you level up your weapons. 5 of the 7 weapons come in every grade (normal, good, better, excellent, epic, and legendary), the other two (Void power and Lightchaser) only come in S-grade excellent and above.

Our list of the best weapons currently in the game are:

  1. Void Power
  2. Kunai
  3. Lightchaser
  4. Baseball Bat
  5. Shotgun
  6. Revolver
  7. Katana

Each weapon offers different grade skills and unique boosts. Whilst we do have a list of our best to worst weapons in the game some weapons may be better suited for different levels. These are found by trial and error if you are stuck on a level or challenge.

We will now take an in-depth look at the best weapons in, we will start by looking at the top-tier weapons and work our way down to the ones that we consider average.

Void power

An image showing the Void Power weapon in
Void Power

The Void Power is considered one of the most elite and rare weapons currently in the game of It is an S-grade weapon that shoots damaging projectiles (black holes) in the way of enemies that will suck them in and stay in a spot for a period of time. The Void Power can be found in crates and limited-time events. At the EVO level, the Void Power transforms into Gloom Nova which increases damage and firing rate.

The Void Power comes at the purple (excellent) grade which means it will come with the first three grade skills unlocked. The first grade skill (green) is an ATK stat boost of +15% followed by the blue (better) grade skill which is a projectile range increase of +15%. The final grade skill that comes unlocked with the Void Power is Return to Zero which means the black holes that are released by the weapon explode before fading.

Whilst the Void Power is extremely powerful at the excellent grade, it really comes into its own when it reaches the epic and legendary grades. At the epic grade, another ATK stat boost of +25% is applied which gives your base attack a great boost. The legendary grade skill is called Neogenesis which basically means that the energy veil that the Void Power produces will explode when it becomes shattered, which will cause heavy damage to nearby enemies.


An image of the Kunai in

The Kunai makes it into our elite section of weapons due to its ability to self-aim at enemies and also its ability to defeat bosses. The Kunai shoots projectiles at enemies which can be transformed into the Spirit Shuriken when it reaches EVO level. At the EVO level, the Kunai shoots a constant stream of powerful projectiles at enemies.

When the Kunai reaches the green (good) grade skill you will unlock an ATK stat boost of +10%. When the weapon reaches the blue (better) grade the Kunai damage is increased by 30%, in our opinion this is when the weapon starts to become really powerful. The next grade (purple/excellent) starts off each round with a level 2 Kunai.

If your Kunai is upgraded to the epic grade you will unlock another ATK stat boost of 15%. The final grade skill to unlock is at the legendary grade where your Kunai will split into multiple parts after hitting an enemy, this deals great damage to multiple enemies which makes those hard-to-clear hoards, much easier to clear.


An image of the Lightchaser in

The Lightchaser is the final weapon that makes our elite section of weapons. The Lightchaser is a sword that shoots waves of projectiles in the direction of enemies. Whilst the Lightchaser is a manual aim weapon it will shoot a wave of projectiles in all directions after it has performed a number of attacks. At the EVO level, the Lightchaser transforms into Eternal Light which increases the firing rate and also the damage it can cause.

The Lightchaser is an S-grade piece of equipment which means that it comes at an excellent (purple) grade. This means 3 of the grade skills are already unlocked when you receive the weapon. These are an ATK stat boost of 15% (green/good grade), an attack interval reduction of -15% (blue/better grade), and a backward slash that is triggered after every 5 attacks (purple/excellent grade). At this point, the Lightchaser is still extremely useful and will assist you in defeating large swarms of enemies.

When the Lightchaser reaches the epic grade it will unlock another ATK stat boost of +25% followed by a sword array that is left behind after every 10 attacks at legendary grade. This is ultimately when the weapon becomes it’s most effective.

Baseball bat

An image of the Baseball Bat in
Baseball Bat

Next on our list are two weapons that we consider good, solid choices. The first is the Baseball Bat.

The Baseball Bat is a melee-type weapon that swings in the direction of enemies. The weapon requires a manual aim that can take out a number of enemies at once and also inflict a knockback effect on enemies. At its EVO grade, the Baseball Bat turns into the Lucille which will increase the amount of damage it deals and also its hit rate.

The Baseball Bat can come in every grade ranging from normal up to legendary. The first grade skill that is unlocked (green/good) is an ATK stat boost of +10%. At the next grade (blue/better) the Baseball Bat will then inflict a bleed effect when it strikes enemies, this effect will deal damage over a period of time. When the Bat reaches the purple/excellent grade it will double its knockback effect which is great when trying to make a path for you to move in.

When the Baseball Bat reaches epic grade it will unlock another ATK stat boost of +15%. At the legendary grade, the Baseball Bat becomes extremely powerful as its swing range then becomes circular. This ultimately means that aiming the weapons becomes redundant as it will attack in all directions by default.


An image of the Shotgun in

The next weapon on our list that we consider good is the Shotgun. The Shotgun shoots multiple projectiles in the way of enemies. The Shotgun requires manual aim but shoots a number of projectiles outwards in the direction of aim. Once the Shotgun reaches its EVO level in the game it transforms into the powerful Gatling which greatly increases fire rate and damage.

The Shotgun can be obtained in every grade from normal to legendary, this means that all grade skills require unlocking by merging your weapon. The first grade skill that is unlocked at the green/good grade is an ATK stat boost of +10%. This is followed by a 2x damage increase to enemies in front of you when the shotgun reaches the blue/better grade. At the purple/excellent grade, the range of the Shotgun is extended to a good range.

When the Shotgun reaches epic grade another ATK stat boost of +15% is applied. At legendary grade, the Shotgun will pierce through every enemy that it attacks. This makes clearing crowds of enemies much easier as it damages all in its vicinity.


An image of the Revolver in

The Revolver makes the list at our good tier, this means the weapon is useful in certain levels and challenges. The Revolver shoots powerful projectiles in the way of enemies. The damage output from the Revolver when it is fully leveled and evolved in-game makes it extremely powerful. Once the Revolver reaches its EVO level it is transformed into the Reaper which increases the number of bullets, its fire rate, and the damage output.

You can obtain the Revolver at every grade from normal up to legendary. The first grade skill that is unlocked at the green/good grade is an ATK stat boost of +10%. This is followed by a reload time reduction of -2s at the blue/better grade. When the Revolver reaches the purple/excellent grade a bullet is restored to your ammo every time you kill an enemy. This makes the gun a lot more user-friendly especially when you are surrounded by enemies.

When the Revolver reaches the epic grade another ATK stat boost of +15% is applied. The final grade skill to unlock is a minor explosion that is applied to an enemy when they are hit by a bullet, this is unlocked at the legendary grade.

We found this weapon to be useful when targeting bosses with high levels of HP. It is essential to level up your other skills during the game to help defeat busy mobs of enemies.


An image of the Katana in

The final weapon on our list is the Katana. We found this weapon to be the most average in the game and would be the most unlikely choice to equip when going into battle. The Katana shoots blade waves in the direction you are facing and behind once it reaches a certain level. When the Katana reaches EVO level in-game it is transformed into the Demon Blade which increases the attack rate and the damage output.

The Katana can be obtained at every grade (normal to legendary). The first grade skill that is unlocked when your weapon reaches the good/green grade is an ATK stat boost of +10%. This is then followed by an additional blade wave being added to your base attack when the Katana is leveled up to blue/better grade. When the Katana reaches the excellent grade it will release ki blasts every time it attacks, these are powerful blasts that can damage enemies further away.

When the Katana reaches the epic grade an additional ATK stat boost of 15% is applied. The best grade skill is unlocked when the weapon reaches its final grade (legendary). Every time an enemy is hit by the blade wave you will be healed by 3% HP, this is extremely effective as using this weapon frequently results in taking damage.

And there you have it! That was our guide on the best weapons in to date. Each weapon has its own unique set of skills that may be more suited for different levels throughout the game. We have found the best results sometimes by switching up our weapons to take on those hard-to-beat bosses. In the early game, you should always use your equipment with the highest grade rating as this will give you the best boost.

If you would like to check out the best tried and tested methods of getting weapons in take a look at our article here.

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