Rush Royale | Enchanted Sword DPS Deck

Featured image for our guide on the Enchanted Sword DPS deck in Rush Royale

In the world of Rush Royale deck selection is crucial, choosing the correct deck is ultimately the difference between success and failure in the game. The Enchanted Sword is an unlikely candidate for decks high in the PvP ladder and for taking on some of the tougher dungeons in the Co-Op mode. The card is primarily seen as a support card and is used in a number of strong meta decks.

In this article, we are going to focus on a deck that has gained popularity in recent times with this Enchanted Sword DPS deck where the sword will be your main point of attack. We will take a look at what cards are used, some tips on how to play the deck, and our experience playing the deck in both the PvP and Co-Op modes of the game.

Let’s start by taking a look at the deck itself.

The Deck

An image showing a Enchanted Sword DPS deck in Rush Royale
Enchanted Sword DPS Deck

The cards in the deck are:

  • Enchanted Sword
  • Magic Cauldron
  • Dryad
  • Trapper
  • Harlequin


The Enchanted Sword must have the Ancient Magic talent unlocked to make this a viable option. This will be your main source of attack in the game.

Focus on merging as many swords as possible in the game, each time your Ancient Swords receive a boost they will be able to deal more and more damage to enemies as they pass.

The Magic Cauldron is used in this deck to generate mana so you can keep merging swords. Aim to have a couple of high-level Cauldrons on the field at all times.

The Dryad should be used to primarily level up your Ancient Swords, you can also use them to level up your Trapper units later on in the game.

The deck is actually really strong in both the PvP and the Co-Op modes of the game. We played a number of different matches across all the modes in Rush Royale and the results were really positive.

We will take a look at some real gameplay experience below where we used the deck a number of times in both the PvP and Co-Op modes of Rush Royale.

PvP Feedback

After using the deck a number of times in the PvP mode of Rush Royale we were able to draw the following conclusion. The deck was effective and we found it held its own even against some of the meta decks currently in the game.

After building a number of Ancient Swords and merging cards you can easily take down the first few bosses without any trouble.

An image showing the Enchanted Sword DPS deck used in PvP in Rush Royale
Deck used in PvP

The only time we struggled with the deck is against some Cultist decks that summon demons and can decrease the merge rank of your units.

Another bad match-up is against players that manage to spawn a number of red swords that constantly send out negative effects. These can lower the number of boosts on your Ancient Swords.

In most of the match-ups we came up against with players around the same critical strike rating the deck was very competitive. We were able to use the deck to win the majority of the matches and move up the PvP ladder.

Co-Op Feedback

We used the Enchanted Sword DPS in a number of the Co-Op dungeons in Rush Royale. The deck was able to clear most of the dungeons we took part in, some without the help of our teammate.

The account where we used our deck has over 2k critical strike rating. We tested the deck in the dungeons where we could easily solo with some of the meta decks in the game.

An image showing the Enchanted Sword DPS deck used in Co-Op in Rush Royale
Deck being used in Co-Op

The key when using this deck in Co-Op is to watch out for the Grandmaster and Bedlam bosses. These were the only bosses that could have a real negative effect on the game. Use the mermaid boss to protect against these bosses.

An image showing damage dealt by the Enchanted Sword DPS deck in Rush Royale
Damage dealt in Co-Op

As you can see from the image above, the deck was able to deal a solid amount of damage and held its own in the dungeon.

This is a fun deck to try and beat some of the dungeons in Rush Royale whilst collecting gold. We enjoyed playing with the deck and will use it whilst playing through some of the dungeons going forward.

Overall Verdict

Overall we think this is a great deck that can be used effectively in both the PvP and Co-Op modes of Rush Royale. The deck itself held its own in both modes of the game and returned a good win rate which saw us able to move up the ladder in PvP.

The deck does have some weaknesses if targeted by demons or Enchanted Sword curses. We would recommend pairing the deck with the Mermaid Hero as it can protect the Swords from any negative effects.

The deck is a breath of fresh air and fun to play with.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our article on the Enchanted Sword DPS deck guide. We hope this article has armed you with enough knowledge to take this deck to the PvP arena and Co-Op dungeons in Rush Royale.

Practice makes perfect with this deck and timing can be crucial. Learning to play the deck in the Co-Op dungeons is probably the smartest move before taking it into PvP.

If you like the Enchanted Sword unit and want to see some of the best decks and how to use them check out our article here.

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