Rush Royale | How To Increase Your Critical Strike Rating

Featured image for our guide on how to increase your critical rating in Rush Royale

Are you seeking to dominate the battlefield on the popular mobile game Rush Royale? If you find yourself at a point where you keep losing then it may be time to focus on increasing the highly important component – your critical rating. When you increase your critical rating each unit’s damage has the chance to multiply, this will push you in the right direction and get you closer to victory.

In this article, we will take a look at all of the different methods of how you can increase your critical rating. Whether you are a newbie just starting your journey in Rush Royale, or a seasoned player looking for methods to up your game we’ve got you covered. So let’s get into it and take a look at ways to increase your critical rating!

What is a critical strike rating in Rush Royale?

Your critical strike rating is a stat in Rush Royale that determines how much damage your units can do to monsters and bosses in the game. This is a percentage that will determine how much damage your unit’s critical attacks will deal to monsters and bosses on the battlefield.

When you first start the game your critical strike rating will be relatively low, this will limit the amount of damage that your units can perform. Your critical strike rating can be improved using a number of different methods that we will look at below. Generally speaking, the higher your critical strike damage the more damage you will do to monsters.

An image showing critical strike in Rush Royale
Critical Strike

Your critical strike rating can be viewed in the main lobby of the game just above the card collection section. This number will differ from player to player as this stat is unique to your player account.

An image showing where you can see your critical strike rating in Rush Royale
You can view your critical strike rating in the main card lobby.

When entering a PvP battle you will also see your opponent’s critical strike rating before you go into the match. In the Co-Op dungeons, you will not be able to see your partner’s critical strike rating until after the match has finished.

Ways To Increase Your Critical Strike Rating

There are many different ways to increase your critical strike rating in Rush Royale. We have tried and tested a number of the different methods below which were able to help us achieve a critical strike rating of over 2000% in a relatively short period of time.

The different methods to increase your critical strike rating in Rush Royale are:

Leveling Up Your Unit Cards

An image showing that increasing the level of your unit cards can improve your critical strike rating in Rush Royale
Increasing the level of your units will improve your critical strike rating.

Leveling up your unit cards in Rush Royale will in turn increase your critical rating score. Each time you level up any of your unit cards you will increase your critical strike rating by a certain percentage.

Each rarity of the unit card will give you a different percentage with common giving you the smallest percentage boost and legendary units giving you the largest boost.

You can check out our list of the best ways to get legendary cards in Rush Royale here.

An image showing that increasing the level of your legendary unit cards can improve your critical strike rating in Rush Royale
Increasing legendary unit cards will give you the biggest increase.

You should always upgrade the highest rarity card that will give you the biggest percentage boost for the coins that you have. A method that we found useful was to try and get all cards in the game up to around level 10 at the same time as beyond this you need a lot of cards and gold coins to upgrade.

If you would like to check out our article on the best methods to get gold in Rush Royale click here.

Upgrading Your Hero Cards

An image showing that increasing the level of your hero cards can improve your critical strike rating in Rush Royale
Increasing the level of your hero units will improve your critical strike rating.

Leveling up your hero cards in Rush Royale will increase your critical strike rating. These upgrades will take you much longer than your standard unit cards but will not cost you as much gold.

Like your unit cards the amount of percentage increase will vary depending on the rarity of your hero card. Your common heroes will give you the smallest increase and legendary heroes will give you the biggest increase.

You will naturally level up hero cards by playing the game and competing in events so we would not prioritize this as your main method to increase your critical strike rating.

Leveling Up Your Defender Cards

An image showing that increasing the level of your defender cards can improve your critical strike rating in Rush Royale
Increasing the level of your defender units will improve your critical strike rating.

When you start to take part in clan wars you will need to have defender cards that will try and protect your points as players try to Plunder you. Upgrading and leveling up your defender cards will increase your critical strike rating.

Like all of the other methods we have mentioned above, this follows the same trend as common defender cards will provide you with the smallest percentage boost and legendary defender cards give you the biggest boost.

Again, we would not prioritize this as your primary method to increase your critical strike rating as it is a much slower process than upgrading your unit cards.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed our guide on how to increase your critical strike rating in Rush Royale. Following these steps and identifying all methods has resulted in us being able to build up a high critical strike rating in a relatively short period of time. Your critical strike rating will help you out when playing against tougher opponents and in some of the hard-to-beat Co-Op dungeons.

If you are looking for what units to focus on upgrading you can check out our article on the best decks currently in the game here.

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