Rush Royale | How To Play Meteor

Featured image for our guide on how to play with the Meteor unit in Rush Royale

In Rush Royale, every card and unit that you play can make a big difference on the battlefield. One card that is a fan favorite and caught the eye of many players is the Meteor card. It’s powerful, fun to use, and can really shake up the arena when played right. The Meteor card can have a lot to offer, but knowing how to use it effectively is key.

In this guide, we will take a look at everything there is to know about the Meteor card in Rush Royale. We will take a look at everything from how to get your hands on the card, to the best strategies for making the most of its fiery power. Whether you are new to Rush Royale or have been playing for a while, there will be something in this guide for you.

So let’s dive in and get started on how to bring the heat to your opponents with the Meteor card in Rush Royale!

Why Meteor?

An image showing the card overview of the Meteor in Rush Royale

One of the first questions you have is why should you choose the Meteor card. The Meteor card is not just like any card in Rush Royale; it’s a tool that, when used correctly, can significantly give you the edge in the arena. Here are the reasons why the Meteor card is worth considering for your deck:

Power Packed

The Meteor is known for its high damage output, capable of destroying enemy units with a single hit. This sets the Meteor aside from the rest as its damage output massively outweighs other attacking units.

Area Damage

One of the standout features and what sets the Meteor unit aside from others is its ability to deal area damage, hitting multiple enemies with a single strike. This is especially helpful when you are up against multiple enemies and bosses.

Game Changer

The Meteor unit is well known for its game-changing abilities with one single strike being able to change the course of the game. Its impact is often immediate and noticeable, making it a card that can turn around situations where you find yourself in a tight spot.

Unlocking The Meteor Unit

The Meteor unit is a legendary card part of the Magic Council faction in Rush Royale. The card can be unlocked once you reach Arena 13 (Conqueror) and can be found in the store, chests, and in-game rewards.

The card is leveled up by collecting more Meteor cards and a combination of magic crystals. As the card level is increased so is the damage output performed by the card. The card also has access to talents which can elevate the card to a whole new level.

How To Use The Meteor

The Meteor unit can be a tricky card to get your head around effectively on the battlefield. Here’s all you need to know to get to grips with the Meteor card in Rush Royale:

The card should be played like any other card in Rush Royale. Simply place all cards down on your deck without merging any units or Meteor cards.

An image showing the Meteor unit being placed down on the battlefield in Rush Royale
Place the Meteor down as normal, do not merge the unit until your path starts filling up.

Once your path is starting to fill up with enemies it is time to merge your first Meteor unit.

An image showing a Meteor unit being merged in Rush Royale
Merge the unit with a Mime card if possible.

When you are ready to clear the enemies on the path merge a Mime unit with a Meteor unit to unleash a fiery meteorite down on monsters. Do not merge another Meteor unit with another unless it is your last option. Merging two Meteor cards will effectively waste a meteorite attack.

An image showing the Meteor card against a boss in Rush Royale
The Meteorite will be able to take down tough bosses.

As the merge rank of your Meteor unit increases, so does the damage output. Save the higher-ranked Meteor cards for bosses and powerful enemies on the track.

An image showing high level Meteor cards in Rush Royale
High-level Meteor cards will perform more damage to enemies and bosses.

The Meteor card should be used in your deck as the primary source of attack, learning how to time attacks and when to save your units will become apparent to you the more time you spend playing with the card.

As talents are unlocked on the card this will level up your gameplay and the amount of damage that you can output with the card. In some of the higher arenas, having talents unlocked on the Meteor is a must.

Card pairing is another key aspect when using the Meteor unit as it will not slot into every deck in Rush Royale. We will go into some of the best tips for deck building for the Meteor unit below.

Tips For Playing With The Meteor Card

The Meteor card can be a great choice in Rush Royale when played effectively and mastered. The card takes a lot of skill to understand and master which makes it a popular choice among some of the top players in the game. Here is a list of some tips that will help you master the Meteor card in the arena:

Deck Building

  • Incorporating the Meteor unit into your deck will require some thought. Some of the best units to use alongside the Meteor are the Harlequin, Mime, Summoner, and a debuff unit such as the Trapper, Ice Mage, or Frost.
  • The Meteor card will not work in every deck variation that you find in the game.
  • For maximum effect pair the Meteor card with cards that can slow enemies or clump them together.

Mana Management

  • Mana management is one of the most important factors to bear in mind when trying to use the card.
  • Always keep a good amount of mana in reserve.
  • Use the Trickster hero to boost your mana generation in-game.
  • Do not merge a Meteor if it is not needed, this will waste mana and cards.

Practice, Practice, Practice

  • Like almost all decks you will come across in Rush Royale practice is one of the keys to success.
  • Practice with this deck in Co-Op modes of the game and find a deck that works for you and your play style.

And there we have it! We hope you have enjoyed our guide on how to effectively use the Meteor unit in Rush Royale. Whilst reading this article will give you a headstart, the best method of learning how to use the card is by practicing in-game.

Practice makes perfect and there is no exception to this card. We would highly recommend testing the card out in some of the easier complete Co-Op dungeons before taking it into Rush Royale’s competitive scene.

If you would like to check out our guide on the best decks currently in the game click here.

You can also take a look at our favorite Co-Op decks in Rush Royale here.

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