Mighty Doom | Fusing Equipment Guide

Featured image for our guide to fusing equipment in the mobile game Mighty Doom

In Mighty Doom fusing equipment is a straightforward yet crucial mechanism that is used to improve your equipment and gameplay. The process begins at the common rarity level and progresses through to uncommon, rare, epic, and eventually legendary. Each upgrade not only boosts the statistics of your equipment but can unlock new talents that will give you an edge on the battlefield.

This guide has been designed to provide a clear and concise walkthrough of the fusion process in Mighty Doom. Whether you are just starting out your journey in Mighty Doom or aiming to achieve legendary status for your equipment, this guide will assist you in understanding the steps and requirements at each fusion level.

So let’s get into it and take a look at all there is to know about fusing in Mighty Doom.

Understanding Equipment Rarity

Equipment rarity in Mighty Doom is a system used in-game to indicate the strength and effectiveness of different pieces of equipment. As equipment advances in its level of rarity, its attributes such as attack power, defense rating, and special abilities/boosts improve. Here is a brief look at the different levels of rarity:

An image showing the different levels of equipment rarity in Mighty Doom
Equipment can come in a number of levels of rarity.
  • Common (White): These are the basic level pieces of equipment you will find in the game. They provide standard attributes with no special bonuses.
  • Uncommon (Green): A step above Common, Uncommon equipment offers slightly better statistics, and some pieces may come with additional benefits.
  • Rare (Blue): Rare items present a significant improvement over Uncommon items, offering higher stats and occasionally special abilities.
  • Epic (Purple): Epic items are highly sought after for their considerably enhanced attributes and special abilities, making them powerful assets on the battlefield.
  • Legendary (Gold): Legendary is the highest rarity level, offering the best stats and unique abilities that can significantly impact your gameplay.

Understanding these levels of rarity is a crucial skill as it will guide players in decision-making and knowing what equipment they should focus on when it comes to fusing and upgrading. The best tactic in Mighty Doom is to gradually improve the rarity level of your equipment to make you stronger and more effective on the battlefield.

Common To Uncommon

Upgrading your equipment from Common to Uncommon is the first step in the fusion journey of Mighty Doom. Here is the process of how you get to it:

Required Materials

  • 3 pieces of identical equipment at the Common rarity.
An image showing a piece of equipment being fused from Common to Uncommon in Mighty Doom
Fusing Common Equipment

Steps To Fuse

  • 1. Navigate to the fuse menu: This can be found in the inventory section of the game.
  • 2. Select the equipment you want to fuse: Click on 3 pieces of identical Common pieces of equipment that you would like to upgrade.
  • 3. Press fuse: This will start the fusion process.
  • 4. Collect your equipment: Upon fusion your Common equipment will now be upgraded to Uncommon with some enhanced attributes.
An image showing a successful fusion process to Uncommon rarity in Mighty Doom
Fusion Successful To Uncommon

Outcome Expectations

Once you have improved the rarity from Common to Uncommon your new equipment could have some abilities. Depending on what equipment you have upgraded you will notice an improvement in your equipment’s attack or defensive stats.

Uncommon To Rare

Advancing your equipment from Uncommon to Rare is the next step of the process. This is a significant step up as your equipment will have better stats and possibly new abilities. Here’s the breakdown of how to perform this upgrade:

Required Materials

  • 3 pieces of identical equipment at the Uncommon rarity.
An image showing a piece of equipment being fused from Uncommon to Rare in Mighty Doom
Fusing Uncommon Equipment

Steps To Fuse

  • 1. Navigate to the fuse menu: This can be found in the inventory section of the game.
  • 2. Select the equipment you want to fuse: Click on 3 pieces of identical Uncommon pieces of equipment that you would like to upgrade.
  • 3. Press fuse: This will start the fusion process.
  • 4. Collect your equipment: Upon fusion your Uncommon equipment will now be upgraded to Rare with some enhanced attributes.
An image showing a successful fusion process to Rare rarity in Mighty Doom
Fusion Successful To Rare

Outcome Expectations

Once you have improved the rarity from Uncommon to Rare your new equipment could have some abilities. Depending on what equipment you have upgraded you will notice an improvement in your equipment’s attack or defensive stats.

Rare To Epic

As you ascend through Mighty Doom, transitioning from Rare to Epic equipment signifies a substantial leap. The base attributes and abilities are greatly improved which will make you a force to reckon with on the battlefield. Here’s how to get from Rare to Epic:

Required Materials

  • 3 pieces of identical equipment at the Rare rarity.

Steps To Fuse

  • 1. Navigate to the fuse menu: This can be found in the inventory section of the game.
  • 2. Select the equipment you want to fuse: Click on 3 pieces of identical Rare pieces of equipment that you would like to upgrade.
  • 3. Press fuse: This will start the fusion process.
  • 4. Collect your equipment: Upon fusion your Rare equipment will now be upgraded to Epic with some enhanced attributes.

Outcome Expectations

Once you have improved the rarity from Common to Uncommon your new equipment could have some abilities. Depending on what equipment you have upgraded you will notice an improvement in your equipment’s attack or defensive stats.

Epic To Legendary

Reaching the Legendary tier in Mighty Doom is a monumental milestone that shows your dedication and mastery of the game. The fusion process from Epic to Legendary offers yet another boost to your equipment base stats and also unlocks some game-changing abilities. Here’s how to navigate this final stretch of the fusion journey:

Required Materials

  • 3 pieces of identical equipment at the Epic rarity.

Steps To Fuse

  • 1. Navigate to the fuse menu: This can be found in the inventory section of the game.
  • 2. Select the equipment you want to fuse: Click on 3 pieces of identical Epic pieces of equipment that you would like to upgrade.
  • 3. Press fuse: This will start the fusion process.
  • 4. Collect your equipment: Upon fusion your Epic equipment will now be upgraded to Legendary with some enhanced attributes.

Outcome Expectations

Once you have improved the rarity from Epic to Legendary your new equipment could have some abilities. Depending on what equipment you have upgraded you will notice an improvement in your equipment’s attack or defensive stats.

Mastering the fusion process in Mighty Doom is a ticket to taking your gameplay to the next level. Progressing from Common to Legendary equipment will see you unlock powerful pieces of equipment that will assist you in being able to take on even the toughest challenges in Mighty Doom.

This guide has provided a comprehensive walkthrough of the fusion process and equipped you with the knowledge to strategically upgrade your gear and maximize your combat efficiency.

With this level of mastery, the realms of Mighty Doom are yours to master. If you would like to learn more about the game then check out Our Ultimate Guide To Mighty Doom.

You can also check out our guide to the best equipment in Mighty Doom here.

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