Welcome to our guide on the best deck for Arena 7 (Duelist) in Rush Royale! In this article, we will break down the best tried and tested deck for conquering Arena 7 and also provide some useful tips on how to use each deck to its strengths. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, we’ve got you covered. Let’s jump right in and start your journey to master the game, one arena by one!
Arena 7 (Duelist) is unlocked when you reach 1600 trophies in Rush Royale. By unlocking Arena 7 you gain access to a number of new cards and a hero.

Thunderer, Crystalmancer, Hex, and Bruiser are the new cards that are unlocked when you reach Arena 7, you can obtain them in chests, events, and in battle. The Gadget hero is also unlocked at Arena 7.
Arena 7 is where opponents will start to get much tougher and you will see a much higher variation in decks in-game. After testing and trialing a number of different decks we have found the following to be the most successful whilst completing Arena 7.
The best deck for Arena 7 (duelist)

The deck consists of the following cards:
- Thunderer
- Grindstone
- Crystalmancer
- Hunter
- Vampire
Gameplay tips
The deck contains two of the new cards that are unlocked in Arena 7 (Thunderer and Crystalmancer), both cards offer unique abilities that will assist in defeating your opponents. Both cards can be obtained through playing the game, in the shop, and in some chests.
The early game plan with this deck is to get a few Vampires down on the deck which will give you a mana boost. Try to level the Vampire card at least once whilst building your attacking cards at the same time. You should ignore the temptation to start merging your units early on even if your opponent does so. You have plenty of cards in this deck that can help deal damage so it should not be risky in the early stages.
If your opponent is matching you and the match looks like it is going the distance you should focus on merging your attack units and levelling them up to punish your enemy. The Thunderer, Crystalmancer, and Hunter cards are your main attacking cards. Merge these to gain powerful units that will quickly take down enemies.
The Grindstone card is used to give cards located next to it a damage increase. Position your cards next to the Grindstone card wisely, something with high attack speed will be the most effective choice.
Other strong decks for arena 7
The beauty of Rush Royale is that there is a range of different unit cards available for you to choose from. This makes the possibilities endless and it means you are not confined to one deck variation.
Other strong decks that we have found useful in Arena 7 are:
Deck 2

- Plague Doctor
- Reaper
- Engineer
- Bombardier
- Crystalmancer
Gameplay tips
This deck is similar to the one that we used in Arena 6. The idea with this deck is to play aggressively to deal as much damage as possible. Link as many Engineers as possible to maximize the damage output that they can deal with.
Early game you can play pretty aggressively as you are spoilt for choice with cards that will deal high levels of damage. If possible try to link Engineers early on and level them up once your deck is full. The Plague Doctor is a useful card that can destroy enemies in their path early on.
The Bombardier card is ideal for dealing damage to tank enemies and bosses that have high levels of HP. When using the deck we would not recommend having loads of Bombardiers on the deck, 1 to 2 high-level Bombardiers is the sweet spot.
The Crystalmancer and Reaper are solid cards that can assist in defeating waves of enemies. As you level them up you improve both their attack speed and attack damage output. This makes them a great attacking option in the mid-to-end game stages.
Deck 3

- Thunderer
- Hex
- Crystalmancer
- Bombardier
- Vampire
Gameplay tips
This deck is a powerful choice that will win you a lot of matches in Arena 7, the only reason that the deck does not make the top of the list is that it contains a legendary card (which can be quite difficult to obtain). You have plenty of firepower from the Thunderer and the Crystalmancer and the ability to insta kill units that are located next to the Hex card.
The Vampire is a crucial card in the early game stages, when played correctly it will give you a decent mana advantage. Use the additional mana to fill your deck and merge most of your cards to level 2 before upgrading any cards.
In the later stages of the game, you should try to surround your Hex with Crystalmancers, their fast attack rate paired with the ability to insta kill enemy units make them a deadly combo. The Bombardier card has a chance to stun enemy units as they pass, this can apply to bosses and tank enemies.
And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best decks for Arena 7 (Duelist) in Rush Royale. We have found these decks to be the best in Arena 7 and have helped up climb the ladder in the game. Please check back frequently or take a look at our guides on the best decks for Arena 6 (Cutthroat) or Arena 8 (Watchman) next!