Rush Royale | Best Enchanted Sword Decks

Featured image for the best Enchanted Sword decks in Rush Royale

In Rush Royale, the aim of the game is to overpower your opponent by building deck combinations that can lead you to victory. Like most games, Rush Royale offers a number of different cards that vary in grade from common to legendary that can be obtained and leveled up to create endless deck possibilities.

In this article, we are going to focus on the Enchanted Sword and some of the best decks for the card. We will look at a number of deck variations and give you some tips on how to play them.

An image showing the Enchanted Sword card overview in Rush Royale
Enchanted Sword

The Enchanted Sword is a legendary card that is part of the Magic Council faction in Rush Royale. The card is a special unit that can randomly give other cards on your deck an attack boost and your enemy’s cards a damage debuff. The max amount of damage increase/debuff modifiers is 10 per card and the effect is applied once the card is merged or can be done automatically if the card has been ascended.

The Enchanted Sword can land on your field with a blue center or a red center. The blue-centered cards will give your cards a damage increase whereas the red-centered cards will apply a negative effect to your opponent.

The card does also attack monsters as they pass periodically.

Best Enchanted Sword decks

There are a number of strong Enchanted Sword decks that you can choose from in Rush Royale. We have listed some of our favorites and strongest below:

Enchanted Sword DPS Deck

An image showing a Enchanted Sword DPS deck in Rush Royale
Enchanted Sword DPS Deck
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Magic Cauldron
  • Dryad
  • Trapper
  • Harlequin

Deck Tips

If you are looking for a deck that utilizes the attacking capability of the Enchanted Sword then look no further. This deck works with the Ancient Magic talent and your Enchanted Sword is your main point of attack.

In the early stages of the game, your aim is to merge as many Enchanted Swords as possible to create Ancient Swords on the field.

Your Harlequin should be used to duplicate enchanted swords that need merging or Dryads to level up your Ancient Swords.

The Magic Cauldron is used to keep mana generation high when in battle. Having a high-level Cauldron is crucial to the success of this deck.

Enchanted Sword Cultist Deck

An image showing a strong Cultist deck in Rush Royale
Cultist Enchanted Sword Deck
  • Cultist
  • Portal Keeper
  • Dryad
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Harlequin

Deck Tips

The Cultist is a powerful card when paired with the Enchanted Sword in Rush Royale. The Enchanted Sword is used in this deck to boost your damage output from your Cultist cards.

In the early stages of the game, you should avoid merging any Enchanted Sword units until you are happy with your deck. This is because any of the effects will be removed when the card has been merged.

Using Dryads or the Portal Keeper cards will not remove the positive effects of your Enchanted Swords. Use Dryads to level up your Cultist units on the field. You can use Portal Keepers to remove any negative effects applied to your cards.

The Harlequin should be used to duplicate Dryad units or Cultist units to build your deck. Try to keep a Portal Keeper with the same merge level as your Cultist cards, this way you can protect them and remove any negative effects.

Enchanted Sword Monk Deck

An image showing a strong Monk deck in Rush Royale
Monk Enchanted Sword Deck
  • Monk
  • Dryad
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Harlequin
  • Mime

Deck Tips

In this deck, we see the Enchanted Sword paired with the Monk card. This can be a deadly combo as the Monk’s damage is raised by the Enchanted Sword.

In the early stages of the game, your focus should be to get a number of Monk units on the field lined up. This will help you defeat the first boss and keep enemies under control.

Use your Dryad cards to level up your Monk units that you have placed down on the field. If you have any that have both the attack speed and damage boost focus on leveling these up first.

Your Harlequin card can be used to duplicate Dryad units or Enchanted Swords. Use the Mime to activate your Enchanted Swords to receive either a damage boost or to apply a negative effect to your opponent.

Enchanted Sword Portal Keeper Deck

An image showing a strong Monk deck in Rush Royale
Monk Portal Keeper Deck
  • Monk
  • Dryad
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Harlequin
  • Portal Keeper

Deck Tips

This deck should be played exactly the same as the deck above, the only difference is the Mime has been replaced by the Portal Keeper which means you can maneuver units into their desired locations.

Early on try to build as many Monk units in a line as possible. This will help to control the number of monsters on the field and help you counter the first boss. Use your Monk’s special mana ability when you face a boss to quickly defeat them.

The Harlequin and Dryad units are used in this deck to level up your Monk units or any low-level units later on in the match. Duplicate your Dryads to create high-level Dryads to level up units.

Your Portal Keeper units are used to move Monks into horizontal and vertical lines. They can also remove any negative effects that may be applied to your cards.

Enchanted Sword Demon Hunter Deck

An image showing a strong Demon Hunter hunter deck in Rush Royale
Demon Hunter Witch Deck
  • Demon Hunter
  • Witch
  • Harlequin
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Dryad

Deck Tips

In this deck, we have paired the Enchanted Sword with the Demon Hunter. This can be a deadly pairing as it can see your Demon Hunter damage output dramatically increase.

In the early stages of the game, you should focus on filling your tiles, once you have done this level up any Demon Hunter units you have in your deck. Try to get to at least a score of 10 Demon Hunters before your first boss.

Use your Harlequin unit to duplicate units to activate Enchanted Swords and Witches. Aim to merge your Witch units together when your opponent is starting to stabilize their deck.

Your Dryad units should be mainly used on your Demon Hunter units that you have on the field. Try to time this so the speed reduction effect is not present when facing bosses.

Enchanted Sword Inquisitor Deck

An image showing a good deck choice for Arena 13 in Rush Royale
Enchanted Sword Inquisitor Deck
  • Inquisitor
  • Portal Keeper
  • Enchanted Sword
  • Dryad
  • Trapper

Deck Tips

The final deck on our list sees the Inquisitor unit paired with the Enchanted Sword. We would recommend this deck once you have unlocked talents for your Inquisitor card.

Try to place a strong Inquisitor (highly merged) unit on your field in the first wave, this will help you deal with enemies and the first boss. If you are using the Knight of Darkness talent you will need to wait until you have the Shield to make this a viable choice in the higher arenas.

Your Trapper units are going to be used to slow enemies and remove their armor as they pass. Try to build 2-3 highly-merged Trapper units and keep them active in your deck.

Activate your Enchanted Sword cards once you are happy with your card layout, this can give your Inquisitor a devastating attack boost that will defeat most things that come in its way.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best Enchanted Sword decks currently in Rush Royale. Mastering each deck can take time, we found that playing with the decks enough times will result in a decent amount of wins as you learn the strengths and weaknesses of each deck. Please check back frequently to see any updates or take a look at our guides on the best Reaper decks or the best Bruiser decks next!

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