Rush Royale | Best Summoner Decks

Featured image for the best Summoner decks in Rush Royale

In Rush Royale, the aim of the game is to overpower your opponent by building deck combinations that can lead you to victory. Like most games, Rush Royale offers a number of different cards that vary in grade from common to legendary that can be obtained and leveled up to create endless deck possibilities.

In this article, we are going to focus on the Summoner and some of the best decks for the card. We will look at a number of deck variations and give you some tips on how to play them.

An image showing the card overview of the Summoner in Rush Royale

The Summoner is a legendary card that is part of the Forest Alliance faction in Rush Royale, this card is one of the best mana-saving cards in the game. When the card is merged it summons a random unit to a free tile on your deck. The level of the card summoned is random but can range from level 1 to the level of the Summoner that you merge. This can save you a lot of mana in the early stages of the game whilst you try to fill your deck.

Best Summoner decks

There are a number of strong Summoner decks that you can choose from in Rush Royale. We have listed some of our favorites and strongest below:

Summoner Demon Hunter Deck

An image showing a strong Summoner deck in Rush Royale
Summoner Demon Hunter Deck
  • Demon Hunter
  • Harlequin
  • Mime
  • Dryad
  • Summoner

Deck Tips

The game plan with this deck is to get as many high-powered Demon Hunter units on the field at once. You can easily fill your deck in the early stages of the game with the Summoner card, this will help you gear up for the first boss.

Your Demon Hunter units are your main source of the attack in this deck, try to get a collective merge rating of 10 before your first boss. Continue building throughout the duration of the game.

The Summoner works well in this deck as it can assist you in filling up your tiles in the early stages of the game. Once you start merging high-level Summoners it could reward you with high-level Demon Hunters or Dryads that could be used to level up cards in your deck.

The Mime and Harlequin cards should be used to duplicate Dryads and merge any unwanted cards in the deck.

Summoner Inquisitor Deck

An image showing a strong Summoner deck in Rush Royale
Summoner Inquisitor Deck
  • Demonologist
  • Harlequin
  • Inquisitor
  • Statis
  • Summoner

Deck Tips

The next Summoner deck in our list uses the Inquisitor card as the main area of attack. This deck becomes very effective when you unlock talents on your Inquisitor.

In the early stages of the game, you should try to build 4 Inquisitor units to counter any push from your opponent and defeat the first boss you will face. The Summoner can help fill your tiles at a much faster rate and save you a good amount of mana.

The Statis is used in this deck to stop enemies when they enter the orb placed on the track, this gives your Inquisitor more time to defeat enemies and powerful bosses.

The Demonologist is a useful card in this deck as it can summon a monster to your opponent’s side. When the monster is defeated you will also receive some mana.

Summoner Meteor Deck

An image showing a strong Summoner deck in Rush Royale
Summoner Meteor Deck
  • Mime
  • Demonologist
  • Harlequin
  • Meteor
  • Summoner

Deck Tips

The next deck on our list uses the Meteor card. This card deals a large amount of damage to enemies and bosses by dropping a powerful Meteor on the track once merged.

The Harlequin and Mime cards in this deck should be used to merge your Meteor units together, this will create a powerful Meteor that can defeat bosses and enemies. Time your merges to get the most from this deck, this will take some time to master the deck.

The Demonologist is used to create monsters on your opponent’s side of the field, once they are defeated you will receive some mana which will help to replenish your deck.

The Summoner works well in this deck as it can help with refilling your deck once cards have been merged together, which is critical when using the Meteor card.

Summoner Priestess deck

An image showing a strong Summoner deck in Rush Royale
Summoner Priestess Deck
  • Priestess
  • Mime
  • Demon Hunter
  • Dryad
  • Summoner

Deck Tips

The final deck features the Demon Hunter as your main source of attack with the Priestess as a support card.

The aim of this deck is to build high-level Demon Hunters at a fast rate, your Priestess card is used in the deck to generate additional mana which can help replenish your deck.

Use your Mime cards to merge with your Summoners, this is to try and create Dryads or high-level Demon Hunters which will be the key to success. Use your Dryads to level up your Demon Hunters or any cards that need leveling to merge.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed reading our guide on the best Summoner decks currently in Rush Royale. Mastering each deck can take time, we found that playing with the decks enough times will result in a decent amount of wins as you learn the strengths and weaknesses of each deck. Please check back frequently to see any updates or take a look at our guides on the best Trapper decks or the best Monk decks next!

You can also check out our guide to the Trickster hero card on Rush Royale here.

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