Rush Royale | Bestie Hero

Featured image for our guide on the Bestie hero card in Rush Royale

Rush Royale, the competitive PvP tower defense game, is full of diverse characters and strategies that keep players on their toes. One of the first hero cards you will unlock on Rush Royale is the Bestie. The Bestie card can deal damage to monsters as they pass, give your units a damage increase, and reduce the attack speed of enemy units.

In this article, we will take a look at all features of the Bestie hero card. We will take a look at its design, and its abilities, look at the methods how to unlock and level up the card, the pros and cons of the card, and some tips to use the card effectively in battle. So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting insight into the world of Rush Royale’s Bestie hero.

Card Overview

An image showing the Bestie Hero Card in Rush Royale
Bestie Hero Card

The Bestie is a common hero card in Rush Royale. The card is one of the easiest hero cards to unlock as common fragments are required to unlock it. Common fragments are much easier to obtain than rare, epic, and legendary hero fragments.

The card has a number of unique abilities that can increase your unit damage, deal damage to enemies, and reduce the attack speed of enemy units. Like any other hero card in the game, the Bestie hero has 4 abilities or modifiers that are unlocked as you level up the card.

The Bestie hero can be used effectively with a number of different deck variations. Learning how to use the card to its maximum potential can take time and a lot of practice. Once it has been mastered it can be really effective and worth taking the time to learn its strengths.

Talents and Abilities

The Bestie hero in Rush Royale has 4 talents/abilities that can be unlocked.

Each talent can be unlocked as you reach certain level requirements:

  • Soul Music – Unlocked when you obtain the card
  • Bad Tune – Unlocked when the card reaches level 5
  • On Repeat – Unlocked when the card reaches level 10
  • Real Fans – Unlocked when the card reaches level 15

Each talent/ability can level up your gameplay and make your hero much more powerful. We will take a look at all of this card’s talents/abilities in more detail below:

Soul Music

An image showing the Soul Music ability in Rush Royale
Soul Music Ability

The first ability that is unlocked on the Bestie hero is the Soul Music skill. This costs 800 morale and will deal damage to enemies and temporarily increase the damage of three allied units. When the hero reaches levels 10 and 20 the number of units affected increases by 1.

The amount of damage caused by Soul Music, damage increase, and the duration is increased each time that you level up the hero card.

Bad Tune

An image showing the Bad Tune ability in Rush Royale
Bad Tune Ability

The next ability that is unlocked when your hero reached level 5 is Bad Tune.

This will reduce the attack speed of three random enemy units in PvP mode. In Co-Op modes, it will temporarily increase the attack speed of three ally units. When the hero reaches levels 10 and 20 the number of units affected increases by 1.

The attack speed reduction/increase and duration of the effect are improved as the card levels up.

On Repeat

An image showing the On Repeat ability in Rush Royale
On Repeat Ability

The third talent modifier that is unlocked when the Trainer hero reaches level 10 is the On Repeat talent.

This gives a chance to repeat the effects of Soul Music and Bad Tune once they end.

Real Fans

An image showing the Real Fans ability in Rush Royale
Real Fans Ability

The final skill that is unlocked at hero level 15 is the Real Fans skill.

The Real Fans skill gives recently summoned units the chance to receive the effects of Soul Music and Bad Tune.

At this point, the Bestie hero reaches her full potential and in turn, becomes very useful.

Favorite Horn

An image showing the Favorite Horn on Rush Royale
Favorite Horn

The Favorite Horn is a legendary item that can be equipped with the Bestie hero card to improve the ability of the card and increase the duration of effects.

The Favorite Horn improves the amount of damage from the Soul Music effect, it increases the chance of the On Repear ability, and also increases the total amount of targets affected by 1.

Once unlocked, you can equip this item to your hero the normal way you would equip a weapon, amulet, or piece of armor.

If you would like to check out our guide on how to get Heroic items on Rush Royale click here.

Pros and cons of the card

The Bestie hero card in Rush Royale has both pros and cons when compared to other Hero cards that you can use in-game. We have compiled a list of all of the pros and cons of using this card in Rush Royale below:


  • Easy to unlock as only common fragments are required.
  • Can completely wipe out enemies on the path in the early stages of the game.
  • Skills give you the chance to repeat the effects of the card.
  • Damage increases can be useful against bosses.


  • Does not have a powerful attack to help defeat powerful bosses.
  • Only really becomes useful when the card reaches level 10 and over.

Overall the Bestie hero is a good hero card in Rush Royale that we would find useful for some of the earlier arenas of the game. The card could be useful again when your reach the higher arenas but only if you have unlocked all talents of the card. The card is however fun to play with in both PvP and Co-Op modes of the game.

Gameplay experience

An image showing the Bestie hero being used in Rush Royale
The Bestie hero being used in-game

We tested the Bestie hero in a number of different deck variations in both PvP and Co-Op modes of the game. Overall we liked the card but could see some weaknesses in the higher arenas of the game. It is however a very useful and fun card to play with as you are learning the game and working your way through the arenas.

The first thing we noticed with this card was it was quite weak against bosses when you compared this to other cards such as the Gadget and Jake Paul heroes that have powerful attacks that can help you defeat them. In the earlier stages of the game, the attack will help you wipe out enemies on the track and somewhat with the first boss. As the game progresses this attack becomes weaker and ineffective.

The damage increase and attack speed reduction applied to your enemy can be a great skill when played against certain decks. When we played against decks that relied on attack speed this would come in handy and when timed correctly could result in us getting the win.

As the card reaches higher levels it becomes much more useful in later stages of the game. Pair this with the Favorite Horn and the card will be useful with most decks.

How to Get the Bestie Hero

The Bestie hero can be unlocked by collecting enough common fragments of the card. Once you have enough, you can visit the hero section and press the unlock button to access the card.

An image showing Common Hero fragment rewards in Rush Royale
Common Hero fragments can be obtained in various parts of the game

Common fragments can be obtained in a number of game modes and quests in the game. Some chests in the store can contain specific hero fragments and are ideal to purchase if you are focusing on improving a specific hero.

How to Level up the Bestie Hero

The Bestie hero can be leveled up like any other hero card in Rush Royale. To do so you will need to collect fragments for the card which can be exchanged with coins to level up your hero.

An image showing Common Hero fragment rewards in Rush Royale
Common Hero fragments can be obtained in various parts of the game

Once you have obtained the card you can collect fragments in common hero fragment rewards, these rewards can be found in the battle pass, in limited-time events, and in the store.

Follow the same process to upgrade any other hero by clicking on the hero tab and selecting the hero you want to upgrade. The upgrade button will be shown in a green color if an upgrade is available.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed our guide to the Bestie Hero card in Rush Royale. Mastering this card can be a fun and effective way to take your skills to the next level and get you moving up the ladder.

If you would like to check out our article on the Trickster hero card click here.

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