Rush Royale | How To Use Epic Tokens

Featured image for our guide on how to use epic tokens in Rush Royale

Rush Royale is a game full of fast-paced action and strategy. The game itself is full of different in-game currencies that can give you the upper edge in battle. One such tool in your arsenal is the Epic Token. These tokens are unique as they can help you unlock and upgrade powerful characters in the game.

Epic Tokens can be earned in a number of different ways, collecting these can give you the upper edge on the battlefield as they can unlock new abilities and hero cards.

In this guide, we will take a look at everything you need to know about Epic Tokens. We will cover how to get them, how to use them, and share some tips that will help you make the most of these valuable items. So, if you are looking for the upper edge in Rush Royale, you have come to the right place!

Let’s start by taking a look at what Epic Tokens actually are.

What Are Epic Tokens?

An image showing an Epic Token in Rush Royale
Epic Token

Epic Tokens are a type of in-game currency in Rush Royale that allows you to collect guaranteed fragments of the hero of the week from an Epic Hero Chest.

Epic Tokens can be earned in a number of different ways in-game, we will take a look at all of the different methods below. These tokens are often overlooked by some players but can be a crucial part of upgrading and unlocking new heroes in-game.

Now we know what they are, we will take a look at all of the different methods that you can acquire them in-game.

Acquiring Epic Tokens

Before being able to use Epic Tokens you will need to know how to get them. Here are some ways that you can acquire them:

Special Events:

  • Sometimes, special events or challenges in Rush Royale can offer Epic Tokens as rewards. Keep an eye on in-game announcements for any upcoming events that have Epic Tokens up for grabs.

In-game Purchases:

  • If you’re looking to get Epic Tokens quickly, you can also buy them through in-game purchases. Check the shop regularly for any deals or bundles that include Epic Tokens.

Daily and Weekly Challenges:

  • Completing daily and weekly challenges can sometimes reward you with Epic Tokens. Make sure to check the challenges and their rewards to plan your gameplay accordingly.

Co-Op Dungeons:

  • Using a treasure map in any Co-Op dungeon can give you the chance to obtain Epic Tokens in Rush Royale.

Season Pass:

An image showing an Epic Token in the season pass rewards on Rush Royale
Epic Tokens can be rewarded on the season pass.
  • Epic tokens can be acquired by progressing through the season pass. They can sometimes be earned on the free pass as well as the paid season pass.

Epic Tokens are a valuable item in-game that can sometimes be overlooked, using these tokens can help in enhancing your game and taking you to new heights. In the next section, we will take a look at how to use these tokens to upgrade and unlock new heroes.

How To Use Epic Tokens

Now that we have looked at all of the methods of how you can obtain Epic Tokens it is now time to look at how to use them.

Epic tokens are spent in conjunction with other in-game currency to guarantee hero fragments, they cannot be solely spent on chests and fragments. Here is all you need to know how to effectively use them:

An image showing a Epic Hero Chest in Rush Royale
Epic Hero Chest
  • When in the main menu select the “Store” section.
  • Once in the store section, press the “Primary” button.
  • In the primary section scroll down to the chest section and click on the Epic Hero Chest.
  • Click on the “Use” button located towards the bottom of the pop-up.
  • Once you have pressed this you will guarantee the specific hero fragments displayed on the chest.
An image showing an Epic Hero Chest with an Epic Token active on Rush Royale
Once the token is active the button will turn green.

Using Epic Tokens is essential if you are targeting unlocking or upgrading a specific hero. Epic hero fragments are normally completely random, this means you could get any epic hero in the game.

Another key feature of using Epic Tokens is that you will earn fragments each time you use them to purchase a chest. Once you have collected 3 fragments you will earn another token.

Using Epic Tokens is not the only in-game currency you need to purchase Hero chests, you will also need a certain amount of gems.

Utilizing Epic Tokens

Now that you know how to obtain and use Epic Tokens it is worth taking a look at a number of tips on how to effectively use them in-game. Here is how you can strategically use them to level up your gameplay:

Unlocking Heroes

  • Epic Tokens can be used to unlock new hero cards in the game. If there is a particular hero you would like to unlock save them until they become available in the store.

Upgrading Heroes

  • Besides unlocking hero cards you can use Epic Tokens to gain hero fragments to upgrade your heroes. Use your Epic Tokens once your desired hero is the hero of the week to guarantee the right fragments for your upgrade.

Stay Updated

  • The world of Rush Royale is ever-evolving with regular updates that take place. Keep an eye on the most effective hero cards in the game and prioritize spending around this.

Utilizing Epic Tokens wisely is essential for advancing in Rush Royale, and following these tips can help you make the most out of this valuable resource.

Epic Tokens are an important part of Rush Royale and will help you unlock and upgrade new heroes in the game. We hope by the end of this guide you have learned all of the methods how to obtain them, how to use them, and some tips on how to use them effectively to enhance your gameplay.

Remember, it’s always good to think before you spend your Epic Tokens. It’s also a good idea to see how top players use their tokens to learn some new strategies.

Now you know all about Epic Tokens, it’s time to jump back into Rush Royale, use your tokens wisely, and have fun battling!

If you are struggling to progress in Rush Royale you may need to start improving your critical rating. Check out our guide on all ways to improve this important stat here.

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