In Survivor.io equipment is key, it can provide you with a much-needed boost on your base stats (HP and ATK). As you level up equipment it also unlocks grade skills, these are unique boosts assigned to pieces of specific equipment such as critical damage chance and movement speed boosts.
Tech parts are one of the pieces of equipment in Survivor.io that you can equip. You can equip 6 different tech parts that will level up some of the skills that you can choose from in-game. Each different tech part provides unique boosts that can give you that extra edge when defeating monsters. Knowing which one to equip can depend on a number of factors including your play style and also what level/challenge you are playing in.
What stats do tech parts affect?
Tech parts can affect both your ATK and HP stats in Survivor.io. You can choose 3 ATK-minded tech parts and 3 HP-minded tech parts. Tech parts follow the same grading as the normal pieces of equipment in Survivor.io, the only difference is that the grade skills start at the better grade.
Addiontial boosts and modifiers are unlocked as the tech parts are upgraded from normal > good > better > excellent > epic > legendary.
You can get legendary or epic tech parts by following the same merging process as you would for weapons and equipment.

Best Tech parts in Survivor.io
In Survivor.io there are currently 12 different tech parts that you can choose from, each tech part can be obtained at every grade from normal to legendary.
Our list of the best (top to bottom) tech parts currently in the game is:
- Phase Converter
- Antimatter Generator
- Quantum Polarizer
- Precision Device
- Energy Collector
- Gravity Controller
- Hi-Maintainer
- Annihilator
- Exo-skeleton
- Energy Diffuser
- Nanobot
- Conduction Device
Each tech part affects both your normal stats and can offer you unique modifiers to skills that can be selected in-game. Always make sure to choose the skills that are modified by your equipped tech parts for maximum effectiveness.
We will now take a more in-depth look at the best tech parts in Survivor.io, we will start by looking at the top-tier tech parts and work our way down to the ones that we consider average.
Phase Converter

- Skill affected: Lightning Emitter
- Type: Attack (ATK)
- Better grade skill: ATK +30
- Excellent grade skill: Lightning Emitter: Bolt count at all levels +2
- Epic grade skill: ATK +200
- Legendary grade skill: Supercell EX: Generated shockwaves spread distance doubled
The phase converter is considered the most powerful tech part currently in the game. This tech part focuses on improving your attack (ATK) stat whilst also leveling up the lightning emitter skill. Once you manage to level the phase converter to the excellent grade you gain an additional bolt count of +2 for every level your lightning emitter is in-game. This is what takes it to the next level and when you will start to see the true power of the tech part.
Antimatter Generator

- Skill affected: Drill Shot
- Type: Attack (ATK)
- Better grade skill: ATK +30
- Excellent grade skill: Drill Shot: flight speed +30%
- Epic grade skill: ATK +200
- Legendary grade skill: Whistling Arrow EX: Light and shadow at once (Get 2 arrows)
The second strongest tech part in the game is the antimatter generator. This part focuses on increasing your attack (ATK) stats whilst modifying the drill shot into a powerful weapon that doubles once it reaches legendary status. This tech part is strong once it reaches the excellent grade but the weapon really levels up once it reaches the legendary grade once it turns into the deadly whistling arrow!
Quantum Polarizer

- Skill affected: Soccer Ball
- Type: Attack (ATK)
- Better grade skill: ATK +30
- Excellent grade skill: Soccer Ball: Soccer Ball damage +30%
- Epic grade skill: ATK +200
- Legendary grade skill: Quantum Ball EX: Quantum ball duration +1s
Another tech part that we would consider to be amongst the best is the quantum polarizer. This tech part focuses on improving your attack (ATK) base stats and improving the soccer ball skill in-game. When the tech part reaches the excellent grade you will really start to see the benefit, your soccer ball skill will start to deal much more damage killing enemies in its path.
Precision Device

- Skill affected: Type-A-Drone and Type-B-Drone
- Type: Attack (ATK)
- Better grade skill: ATK +30
- Excellent grade skill: Drone: Homing (Missiles home in on enemies in range. Reduced firing rate)
- Epic grade skill: ATK +200
- Legendary grade skill: Destroyer EX: New-type mounted missile (Restores firing rate – Missile explosion range doubled)
Next on our list is the precision device which focuses on improving your attack (ATK) base stats and also the type a and b drones skills in-game. When the precision device reaches the excellent grade you unlock a skill that makes the missiles home in on enemies that come into range. This makes the drones much more powerful in-game as they target enemies directly instead of circling around you.
Energy Collector

- Skill affected: Forcefield Device
- Type: Defense (HP)
- Better grade skill: HP +120
- Excellent grade skill: Forcefield: Energy compression (Range shrinks 25%, damage doubled)
- Epic grade skill: HP +800
- Legendary grade skill: Force Barrier EX: Mobs that die in radius grant bonus EXP
Next on our list is the first defense-type tech part the energy collector. The energy collector focuses on improving your defensive stats (HP) and modifying the forcefield device skill in-game. When the tech part reaches the excellent grade it shrinks the forcefield but doubles the amount of damage it deals. This makes the forcefield an essential skill that should be selected in-game.
Gravity Controller

- Skill affected: Brick
- Type: Defense (HP)
- Better grade skill: HP +120
- Excellent grade skill: Brick: Heavy like it (Brick penetrates all enemies)
- Epic grade skill: ATK +800
- Legendary grade skill: 1-ton Iron EX: Light as a feather (1-ton Iron spin as they fly out)
The next tech part on our list is another one from the defensive side – the gravity controller. This tech part focuses on improving your defensive stats (HP) whilst modifying the brick skill in-game. We found the gravity controller to become useful when it reached the excellent grade, this improves the skill by penetrating all enemies that come into contact with it. At the legendary grade, the 1-ton Iron skill is modified to make the irons spin when they are sent out.

- Skill affected: RPG
- Type: Defense (HP)
- Better grade skill: HP +120
- Excellent grade skill: RPG: Shot CD -0.5s
- Epic grade skill: HP +800
- Legendary grade skill: Sharkmaw Gun EX: Double shots (Fires 2 shots each time)
We have yet another defensive tech part – the hi-maintainer. This tech part focuses on improving your defensive base stat (HP) and modifying the RPG skill in-game. The key grades like most tech parts are the excellent and legendary grades, this is when the tech part starts to level up the RPG in-game and makes it a force not to be reckoned with. At the excellent grade, the RPG fire rate is increased, and at the legendary grade the sharkmaw gun fires double shots.

- Skill affected: Laser Launcher
- Type: Attack (ATK)
- Better grade skill: ATK +30
- Excellent grade skill: Laser Launcher: Lasers slow enemies on hit
- Epic grade skill: ATK +200
- Legendary grade skill: Death Ray EX: Snares enemies (Bosses and elites first)
The next tech part on our list is the annihilator. The annihilator focuses on improving your attack (ATK) base stats and the laser launcher skill. We would consider this tech part quite strong when it reaches the legendary grade, before then the slowed effect on enemies is useful but is not a game changer in our opinion.

- Skill affected: Guardian
- Type: Defense (HP)
- Better grade skill: HP +120
- Excellent grade skill: Guardian: Knockback distance doubled
- Epic grade skill: ATK +800
- Legendary grade skill: Defender EX: Defender spreads out and retreats
The final good tech part is the exo-skeleton. This tech part focuses on improving your defensive (HP) base stats and also the guardian skill in-game. This tech part becomes more useful when it reaches legendary grade as the defender spreads out around you. Before then we would only pick this tech part if it is your highest grade defensive part.
Energy Diffuser

- Skill affected: Molotov
- Type: Attack (ATK)
- Better grade skill: ATK +30
- Excellent grade skill: Molotov: Fire will spread
- Epic grade skill: ATK +200
- Legendary grade skill: Fuel Barrel EX: Burnt enemies inflicted with Deep Wounds (+10% damage taken)
The final three tech parts on the list are the ones we consider most average. Only select these parts if they suit your play style or if they are your highest grades by a minimum of one or two grades.
The first tech part we consider average is the energy diffuser. The energy diffuser focuses on improving your defense (HP) base stat and also the molotov skill in-game. At the excellent grade the molotov fire will spread further on the map and at the legendary grade, the fuel barrel increases its damage by +10%.

- Skill affected: Durian
- Type: Defense (HP)
- Better grade skill: HP +120
- Excellent grade skill: Durian: Flight control (Durian won’t stray too far from you)
- Epic grade skill: HP +800
- Legendary grade skill: Caltrops EX: Iron and blood (Spikes also inflict Bleed)
Next on the list is the nanobot tech part. This focuses on improving your defense (HP) base stat and the durian skill in-game. When the tech part reaches the excellent grade the durian is modified so it will not stray too far from you. When the tech part reaches the legendary grade it inflicts bleed to enemies that come into contact with it, this makes it slightly more useful but it can take a while to reach this grade.
Conduction Device

- Skill affected: Boomerang
- Type: Defense (HP)
- Better grade skill: HP +120
- Excellent grade skill: Boomerang: You can collect the boomerang to reset its CD
- Epic grade skill: HP +800
- Legendary grade skill: Magnetic Rebounder EX: EM induction (Rebounder generates lightning arcs)
The final tech part and one that we consider the most average is the conduction device. The conduction device focuses on improving your defense (HP) base stat and also the boomerang skill in-game. At the excellent grade the boomerang skill CD resets if you catch the boomerang. At the legendary grade, the magnetic rebounder generates lightning arcs, this does make the tech part more useful but still pretty weak when compared to others.
We hope you have enjoyed reading our list of the best tech parts currently in Survivor.io! We have found this list to be a true reflection of the time we have spent using each tech part in the game. Some tech parts can be more useful than others on specific levels and against different kinds of enemies, trial and error is sometimes the best approach when trying to beat those harder levels.
If you would like to check out the best ways to get tech parts in Survivor.io then take a look at our article here.