| Weapon Evolution Guide

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In you can choose between a number of different weapons, skills, and tactics which suit your style of play in-game. Weapons are one of the main factors in the game, each weapon attacks in a different way or rate which makes them unique from one another.

In this article, we will be taking a look at all of the different weapons evolutions that you can find in-game. We have tested all different types and will show you how you can obtain them all in battle!

What stats do weapons affect?

Weapons in have an effect on your ATK stat and the amount of damage that you deal to enemies. Weapons also unlock grade skills which are unique abilities that can modify your base attack or give you much-needed boosts. These grade skills can be unlocked for good, better, excellent, epic, and legendary grades which can be unlocked by merging your equipment.

If you would like to check out our article on the best weapons in-game first, you can take a look at the article here.

Weapons Evolutions in

In there are currently 7 different weapons that you can choose from. Each weapon has its own unique evolution skill that can be unlocked in battle. The evolution or EVO skills provide your base weapon with an increased firing rate and damage output.

The weapon evolutions that are currently in the game are:

  • Void Power – Gloom Nova
  • Kunai – Spirit Shuriken
  • Lightchaser – Eternal Light
  • Baseball Bat – Lucille
  • Shotgun – Gatling Gun
  • Revolver – Reaper
  • Katana – Demon Blade

We will now take an in-depth look at all of the weapons and their evolution skills below. We will also show you how you can obtain them in battle.

Void power – Gloom Nova

An image showing the Void Power weapon in
Void Power

The Void Power – It’s one of the most effective and rarest weapons you can find in the game! This S-grade bad boy shoots black hole projectiles that suck in enemies and hang around for a bit. You can grab the Void Power from crates or during limited-time events. And guess what? When it reaches the EVO level, it turns into the improved Gloom Nova, dishing out even more damage and shooting faster!

An image showing the Gloom Nova weapon in
Gloom Nova

Gloom Nova is the EVO upgrade for the Void Power weapon, and you’ll need the Exo-Bracer to make it happen. It works just like the regular Void Power weapon, but there’s a twist – once the Black Holes vanish, a temporary shield called an Energy Veil pops up, and you can step right into it. This awesome shield keeps you safe from the baddies by pushing them away.

An image showing the Exo-Bracer to evolve the Void Power Weapon in
The Exo-Bracer skill is required to evolve the Void Power into Gloom Nova

And guess what? If you’re lucky enough to have a legend-rarity Gloom Nova, that Energy Veil goes boom, blasting a whopping 60X damage to any enemies unlucky enough to be nearby!

Kunai – Spirit Shuriken

An image of the Kunai in

The Kunai, is one of the top-tier weapons in What makes it so awesome? Well, it can self-aim at enemies and take down bosses like a champ. This cool weapon fires projectiles at baddies, and when it hits EVO level, it transforms into the Spirit Shuriken. Now, that’s when the magic happens! At EVO level, the Kunai unleashes a non-stop stream of super-powerful projectiles to rain down some serious pain on your foes.

An image showing the Spirit Shuriken weapon in
The Kunai evolution weapon is called the Spirit Shuriken

To obtain the Spirit Shuriken in-game you will need to choose the Koga Ninja Scroll as one of your skills in-game. Having this will unlock the Kunai evolution when it reaches 5 stars in-game.

An image showing the Koga Ninja Scroll in
Koga Ninja Scroll is required to EVO the Kunai

Lightchaser – Eternal Light

An image of the Lightchaser in

Ready for a sword in Meet the Lightchaser! This beauty fires waves of projectiles at enemies, and although you need to aim manually, it’ll shoot projectiles in every direction after a certain number of attacks. When it reaches EVO level, say hello to Eternal Light, boasting an increased firing rate and even more damage to keep those baddies in check.

An image showing the Eternal Light weapon in
The Lightchaser evolution weapon is called Eternal Light

To obtain the Eternal Light in-game you will need to choose the Ronin Oyoroi as one of your skills in-game. Having this will unlock the Lightchaser evolution when it reaches 5 stars in-game.

An image showing the Ronin Oyoroi in
Ronin Oyoroi is required to EVO the Lightchaser

Baseball bat – Lucille

An image of the Baseball Bat in
Baseball Bat

In, the Baseball Bat is a wicked melee weapon that you swing at enemies. You’ll need to aim manually, but it’s worth it, as you can take out multiple foes in one go and send them flying with a sweet knockback effect. Once it hits EVO grade, the Baseball Bat evolves into Lucille, upping the damage and hit rate for even more bashing fun!

An image showing the Lucille weapon in
The Baseball Bat evolution weapon is called the Lucille

To obtain the Lucille in-game you will need to choose the Fitness Guide as one of your skills in-game. Having this will unlock the Baseball Bat evolution when it reaches 5 stars in-game.

An image showing the Fitness Guide Bullet Scroll in
Fitness Guide is required to EVO The Baseball Bat

Shotgun – Gatling

An image of the Shotgun in
Shotgun’s Shotgun is a blast to use, firing multiple projectiles toward your enemies. Though it needs manual aiming, it sends a bunch of projectiles outwards in your chosen direction. And here’s the kicker: when the Shotgun reaches its EVO level, it morphs into the mighty Gatling, cranking up both fire rate and damage to really show those baddies who’s boss!

An image showing the Gatling Gun weapon in
The Shotgun evolution weapon is called the Gatling Gun

To obtain the Gatling Gun in-game you will need to choose the Hi-Power Bullet as one of your skills in-game. Having this will unlock the Shotgun evolution when it reaches 5 stars in-game.

An image showing the Hi-Power Bullet in
Hi-Power Bullet is required to EVO the Shotgun

Revolver – Reaper

An image of the Revolver in

In, the Revolver is a force to be reckoned with, sending out potent projectiles toward your enemies. When fully leveled and evolved, its damage output becomes downright impressive. As the Revolver hits its EVO level, it turns into the fearsome Reaper, amping up the number of bullets, fire rate, and damage output to really pack a punch!

An image showing the Reaper weapon in
The Revolver evolution weapon is called the Reaper

To obtain the Reaper in-game you will need to choose the Hi-Power bullet as one of your skills in-game. Having this will unlock the Revolver evolution when it reaches 5 stars in-game.

An image showing the Hi-Power Bullet in
Hi-Power Bullet is required to EVO the Revolver

Katana – Demon Blade

An image of the Katana in

The Katana sends out blade waves in both the direction you’re facing and behind you once it reaches a certain level. Upon achieving its EVO level, the Katana transforms into the powerful Demon Blade, enhancing the attack rate and damage output for a truly formidable weapon.

An image showing the Demon Blade weapon in
The Katana evolution weapon is called the Demon Blade

To obtain the Demon Blade in-game you will need to choose the Ronin Oyoroi as one of your skills in-game. Having this will unlock the Katana evolution when it reaches 5 stars in-game.

An image showing the Ronin Oyoroi in
Ronin Oyoroi is required to EVO the Katana

And there you have it! That was our guide on the evolution skills for all weapons in currently in the game. Learning about these weapon EVO skills and what they can offer can really help you level up your game and help you on becoming the ultimate Survivor!

If you would like to check out the best tried and tested methods of gaining gold coins take a look at our article here.

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