| What Does CD Mean?

Featured image for what does CD mean guide is a fast-paced, strategy survival game where the aim is to defeat hoards of enemies and bosses whilst trying to stay alive. In-game you will obtain weapons and skills that can help you to do this. You will notice the term CD used to describe weapons and skills, this may leave you wondering what it is.

In this article, we will take a look at CD and what it means in We will also look at all of the different ways it can be reduced via equipment and skills in-game.

What does CD mean?

CD in stands for cooldown, this is the amount of time that your skills take to generate and ultimately go off. Having a high CD will result in your attacks taking a longer period of time to go off. Having the smallest CD possible is the best strategy in

Every skill and weapon in has its own unique CD, this number should not be ignored as it can greatly affect the way that you perform on the battlefield. You should aim to lower cooldowns on weapons and skills as much as possible, this will increase your attack speed and the amount of damage you deal in a period of time.

An image showing the energy cube at 5 star in
Energy Cube at 5 stars -40% CD

As we mentioned above, all skills have their own unique cooldown (CD) in, this is the time in which they can attack or launch again. You will find that some of the more powerful attacks in-game will have longer cooldowns. Luckily, there are ways you can reduce CD in-game and by equipping specific equipment.

How to reduce cD

Your CD (cooldown) time of weapons and attacks in can be reduced by using a number of different skills or pieces of equipment. A reduction in CD can be obtained by using the evolve table, from equipment, passive skills, and tech parts.

We will look at all of the methods how you can reduce attack CD in below:

Overreaction skill

An image showing the overreaction skill in
Overreaction skill in the Evolve table

The overreaction skill can be obtained from the evolve skill table when your player reaches level 80. This will provide all of your skills with a reduction in CD by 5%. This is one of the most passive methods as you do not need to equip anything or select anything in-game.

The only issue is getting to level 80 – it takes time.

Trendy charm

An image showing the Trendy Charm and what it can reduce in
The Trendy Charm can reduce CD

The trendy charm is a necklace in that can greatly reduce all attack and skill cooldowns in-game. When the trendy charm is at excellent grade it reduces cooldown time by 2% for every 200 monsters that are killed. This is maxed out when you reach 10%.

When the necklace reaches the epic grade the skill reduction can go all the way up to 30%. This greatly reduces the cooldown of your skills in-game and improves your firing rate.

You can check out the best necklaces currently in the game of here.

Energy cube

An image showing the energy cube in
The Energy Cube skill can reduce CD

The energy cube is a passive skill that can be selected in-game to reduce the CD (cooldown) of all equipped weapons and attacks in-game. Selecting this will reduce the cooldowns of all your attacks by a certain percentage. At one star your attack cooldowns will be reduced by -8% and at five stars your attacks will be reduced by -40%.

  • 1 star – 8% reduction
  • 2 star – 16% reduction
  • 3 star – 24% reduction
  • 4 star – 32% reduction
  • 5 star – 40% reduction

The energy cube is an essential skill that should be equipped to drastically reduce your cooldowns and improve your firing rates. This skill will have you firing off attacks like there’s no tomorrow!

Hi-Maintainer Tech part

An image showing the Hi Maintainer tech part in
Hi Maintainer

The Hi-Maintainer tech part will reduce the shot CD of your RPG by 0.5s when it reaches the excellent grade. Ensure you equip this tech part if the RPG is one of the favored skills that you select on the battlefield.


What is attack CD in

Attack CD (cooldown) in refers to the amount of time it takes for your skills to regenerate and become available for use again. Lower cooldown times result in faster attack rates and more damage dealt over time.

What is weapon CD in

Weapon CD (cooldown) in is the amount of time it takes for your weapon’s attacks to be ready for use again after being deployed. Reducing weapon cooldown times leads to quicker attack rates, allowing you to deal more damage to enemies in a shorter period.

And there we have it! We hope that you have enjoyed our article on what CD is in By understanding what it is you can take your game to the next level by optimizing your loadout and skill selection. Using a combination of these methods will provide you with a massive CD reduction which will get your weapons and skills firing like there’s no tomorrow!

If you would like to check out the current best weapons in check out our article here.

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