Rush Royale | Trainer Hero

Featured image for our guide on the Trainer hero card in Rush Royale

Rush Royale, the competitive PvP tower defense game, is full of diverse characters and strategies that keep players on their toes. The first hero that you will unlock in Rush Royale is the Trainer card. The Trainer card focuses on blocking enemies on the track as they try and pass, mastering the card’s abilities requires understanding its strengths, weaknesses, and optimal tactics.

In this article, we will take a look at all features of the Trainer hero card. We will take a look at its design, and its abilities, look at the methods how to unlock and level up the card, the pros and cons of the card, and some tips to use the card effectively in battle. So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting insight into the world of Rush Royale’s Trainer hero.

Card Overview

An image showing the Trainer Hero Card in Rush Royale
Trainer Hero Card

The Trainer is a common hero card in Rush Royale. The card is unlocked as soon as you start your account on Rush Royale and can be viewed in the hero tab in the card section.

The card has a number of unique abilities that can increase your attack speed, damage output, and delay enemies as they pass. Like any other hero card in the game, the Trainer hero has 4 abilities or modifiers that are unlocked as you level up the card.

The effectiveness of the Trainer hero card still makes it a widely used hero card even in the higher arenas. Learning how to use the card to its maximum potential can take time and a lot of practice. Once it has been mastered it can be really effective and worth taking the time to learn its strengths.

Talents and Abilities

The Trainer hero in Rush Royale has 4 talents/abilities that can be unlocked.

Each talent can be unlocked as you reach certain level requirements:

  • Companion – Unlocked when you obtain the card
  • Combat Training – Unlocked when the card reaches level 5
  • Team Boost – Unlocked when the card reaches level 10
  • Explosive Surprise – Unlocked when the card reaches level 15

Each talent/ability can level up your gameplay and make your hero much more powerful. We will take a look at all of this card’s talents/abilities in more detail below:


An image showing the Companion ability in Rush Royale
Companion Ability

The first ability that is unlocked on the Trainer hero is the Companion skill. This costs 800 morale and will summon a dummy to the field which blocks any monsters that try to pass for a period of time. This block applies to both normal monsters and bosses.

The duration of the dummy is increased as you level up the Trainer hero.

Combat Training

An image showing the Combat Training ability in Rush Royale
Combat Training Ability

The next ability that is unlocked when your hero reached level 5 is Combat Training.

Once you have unlocked Combat Training it will increase the attack speed of your unit whilst the dummy is placed on the field.

This attack speed increase can be increased as you level up the Trainer hero.

Team Boost

An image showing the Team Boost ability in Rush Royale
Team Boost Ability

The third talent modifier that is unlocked when the Trainer hero reaches level 10 is the Team Boost talent.

This increases the damage dealt by your units placed on the field by a certain percentage.

Explosive Surprise

An image showing the Explosive Surprise ability in Rush Royale
Explosive Surprise Ability

The final skill that is unlocked at hero level 15 is the Explosive Surprise skill.

The Explosive Surprise ability will cause your dummy to explode once the active ability’s effect ends. The dummy will explode and deal a large amount of damage to the area around it.

At this point, the Trainer hero reaches its full potential and in turn, becomes quite powerful.

Battle Whistle

An image showing the Battle Whistle on Rush Royale
Battle Whistle

The Battle Whistle is a legendary item that can be equipped with the Trainer hero card to improve the ability of the card and increase the duration of effects.

The Battle Whistle increased the duration of your dummy placement by 2%, increased the amount of damage caused by the Explosive Surprise by 20%, and during Combat Training the amount of damage is increased to 25%.

Once unlocked, you can equip this item to your hero the normal way you would equip a weapon, amulet, or piece of armor.

If you would like to check out our guide on how to get Heroic items on Rush Royale click here.

Pros and cons of the card

The Trainer hero card in Rush Royale has both pros and cons when compared to other Hero cards that you can use in-game. We have compiled a list of all of the pros and cons of using this card in Rush Royale below:


  • Suitable for use with all types of decks.
  • Unlocked from the start of the game.
  • Common fragments are easy to obtain.
  • The dummy is useful in both PvP and Co-Op modes.
  • When timed correctly the dummy can give you victory.


  • Does not have a powerful attack to help defeat powerful bosses.
  • The timing of the dummy is crucial when matched with another Trainer player.

Overall the Trainer hero is an effective card when mastered that can give you the upper edge in matches. Learning when to play the card and delay enemies passing is crucial and the key to success with this card. Practice makes perfect and after using the card a few times you will start to get the hang of how to play it strategically.

Gameplay experience

An image showing the Trainer hero being used in Rush Royale
A dummy is summoned to the field, blocking monsters in their track

We used the Trainer hero in a number of different decks in both PvP and Co-Op modes of the game, we thought the card was effective overall and benefitted us in several scenarios. This combined with the fact it is one of the easiest hero cards to upgrade makes it a viable option for many players.

Saving the dummy placement for bosses was our best method of using the card especially if both players are faced with a boss that they cannot defeat. This can win you games as you delay the boss on your side passing through the portal.

The only time we found card placement difficult and not as effective was when we matched up with another player using the Trainer card. In these scenarios, it would become a standoff as to who would use the dummy first to delay the boss passing through the portal.

As the card reaches the higher levels and the Battle Whistle is obtained it becomes even more effective and will give you the edge in some matches. Using the card in Co-Op matches can also give you and your partner valuable time to defeat bosses on the track.

Overall in our opinion, the Trainer card is the most effective out of the common hero cards (Trainer and Bestie). If you are looking for a card that will give your powerful attacks to assist with enemies you may want to try out the Elementalist hero.

How to get the Trainer hero

The Trainer hero is unlocked and equipped as soon as you start an account on Rush Royale. This means to get this hero you do not have to collect any fragments or unlock the card from any event.

Simply start your account and head to the hero tab. You will be able to select and equip the Trainer hero from the beginning of the game.

You can still collect fragments for the card which are used to increase the level of the card and unlock the Trainers skills and abilities.

How to Level up the Trainer Hero

The Trainer hero can be leveled up like any other hero card in Rush Royale. To do so you will need to collect fragments for the card which can be exchanged with coins to level up your hero.

An image showing Common Hero fragment rewards in Rush Royale
Common Hero fragments can be obtained in various parts of the game

Once you have obtained the card you can collect fragments in common hero fragment rewards, these rewards can be found in the battle pass, in limited-time events, and in the store.

Follow the same process to upgrade any other hero by clicking on the hero tab and selecting the hero you want to upgrade. The upgrade button will be shown in a green color if an upgrade is available.

And there you have it! We hope you have enjoyed our guide to the Trainer Hero card in Rush Royale. Mastering this card can be a fun and effective way to take your skills to the next level and get you moving up the ladder.

If you would like to check out our article on the Trickster hero card click here.

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